Monday, April 25, 2011

Please come and share your vision for the future

That's what alderman Mary says in an Easter evening email, trying to whip up interest in her latest pet project, changing City codes, at tonight's Planning Commission meeting (6PM).  She ignores a simple fact, current codes accommodate consideration of non-conforming homes and properties through the building permit and BZA processes.  Granting blanket "grandfather" status and exemption from the current processes makes no sense.  It would not allow what is currently in place, a case by case examination of the need and rationale for a variance in particular situations.  The meeting to be held this evening has been prompted by what?  A vision of the future?  Really?  Our community is unique, let's keep it that way.


Anonymous said...

Another case of a nut with some authority.

Anonymous said...

What's her real agenda?