7 September
The Mayor gave the results of the rebidding of the Entrance project. The new bid process included only the entrance at East Side by City Hall and requested the bid for hardscape only. Two bids(double the number from the first try) were received, after a much ballyhooed pre-bid full court press to get more firms interested in the contsruction. The two firms submitting bids were both from WL, Downing Construction, and The Greensman, aka, Christopher Dabner. Dabner in on the EAGC. The mayor mentioned the submissions weren't exactly alike, apparently The Greensman also included some landscaping. The full Committee will get to review and discuss the bids at a date to be determined. Yours truly had to ask the question...how much? Apparently the bids are around "$100,000 to $110,000".
1 comment:
I would say the monument in the pic is worth a hundred grand.
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