7 September
WLIC Report
Tom Henke, board member of WLIC delivered a quick update on C Point renovation. Water is being released at the rate of 1.5 inches per 24 hours, with the closing of C Point ramps and gazebo being 26 September. (Rains the past two weeks have probably slowed the rate of lowering, we got a little over an inch Saturday according to Farmer John)
The Mayor commented on a gigundo pile(s) of poo, by some large animal, presumbably a doggie on C Point. This despite a sign nearby that requests dog owners to pick up after their pets and a dispenser of bags nearby. Tom noted the mayor's comments and told the BOA it is a concern of the Board.
Vic wanted an update on the Ecoli readings noted in C Cove a couple of weeks previous. Tom mentioned serial collections were taken, including upstream, but just the one came back over standards. Could have been a matter of heat and water not moving. Retest indicated A-OK.
More than 13 million gallons of raw sewage spilled into Shoal Creek, Todd Creek, First Creek and Second Creek watersheds last weekend, Kansas City water officials reported.
Water officials blamed 5 inches of rain and mechanical failure for the contamination in the Northland watersheds.
The release of untreated sewage represents a potential threat to public health and the environment, said Terry Leeds, acting water services director. Department staff is working to identify the issues that led to the overflow and to make any necessary repairs.
The bypasses, which have stopped, occurred at:
•Todd Creed Wastewater Plant, 7600 NW 114th St.
•Birmingham Pump Station, 11011 Birmingham Road
•Tiffany Lakes Pump Station, NW 108th Street, west of Skyview
•First Creek Pump Station, located at 10990 N. Wyandotte St.
Read more: http://www.kansascity.com/2010/09/21/2239983/northland-sewage-went-into-creeks.html#ixzz10C9oUC3t
Can we not just say "NO DOGS ANYWHERE ON C-POINT" not in the grass, not on the street. No walking you dog down that street. After all it is a private street. I personally am sick of going down there with kids and having to worry that they will step in dog poop with bare feet while the swim and walk out of the beach. It's always a few that have to ruin it for everyone.
Don't get me wrong we LOVE dogs (we even own 2) however we do NOT take them to cpoint to swim or walk. There are plenty of streets to walk our dogs on without going to the one street that has the most foot traffic daily.
Perhaps we could put up a camera like at the intersections that takes a picture as people are walking in and if it shows a pooch I guess a ticket they will be a gettin. Maybe on 2nd offense they lose lake priv's for a while.
We agree.
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