Saturday, September 18, 2010

In Case You Didn't Notice

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
7 September

Resident Judy Shafe' submitted a resolution for consideration of the BOA.  The Daughters of the American Revolution proposed the recognition of September 17-23 as Constitution Week.  Motion by Mary, second by Tanya, motion passed.  How would you know?  Read it here (as the most informed citizens of WL do) or trip on down to the Bulletin Board at City Hall where the resolution is posted.  Speaking of that, posting at City Hall, the practice of posting meetings on the BB at City Hall meets the requirements of the State "Sunshine Law" but it is somewhat a sham.  An example, The Special Board Meeting held this week on Thursday.  Posted at 7:35 AM the day before, it met posting requirements...but unless you checked the BB daily, how would you know?  An alderman could call you or you might be on a mail list of one of the aldermen (we had both) or you could be clueless.  During the discussion Vic mentioned our meetings are posted, so everyone has a chance to give feedback, referring to a public hearing conducted during the "alcohol ordinance" consideration.  I guess that is factual in that these meetings meet the muster for Sunshine but as a practical matter with a 24 hour notice posted on the BB and the meeting held at 8AM on a work the public really informed?  Maybe it's time for an email list for postings of meetings...if the BOA really wants to keep the public informed.

Another resolution was submitted to the BOA by citizen Linda Cone.  It dealt with transfer fees and double taxation, the proposed resolution was never fully read aloud, and there was not a motion for adoption.

Busy weekend, City Cleanup today and tomorrow, take your yard waste to City Hall, your tax dollars at work, WLYC shindig tonight and SWAT at Birmingham Park tomorrow, party on!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


This reminds me of the way York used to handle meetings where he did not want the public to know what was going on. One that comes to mind is the meeting where the board held a meeting where they decided to close the community center. York told everyone that the meeting was posted so if they wanted to come they could...but for the same reasons you mention in your blog, no one knew it was taking place and so no one showed up to voice their opinion.

At least now we have Mary Hoy who does her best to let people know about when meetings and special meetings will take place.