The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
September 7thFollow-Up to Got Booze posting
Just a reminder, the two largest demonstrations of Civil Disobedience in the history of WL are scheduled for this coming week. The Park Board's Concert in the Park series concludes this Friday evening at Cristhaven Park. The OFC will be out in force, swilling Chardonnay in full view of authorities (matter of fact, some of the authorities (BOA) will probably be doing some of the imbibing themselves). It is my understanding First Student Transportation has been secured to haul off the lawbreakers to be fingerprinted and mugged. At least the Park Board is coy about the event, nothing in print (lately) to encourage breaking of City ordinances.
Not so with SWAT (Supporting Weatherby's Adopted Troops) group. Their flyer boldly proclaims "FOOD, BEER, WINE" September 19th, 1 to 7 PM in Birmingham Park. A confrontation with Police could get ugly as the troops might be present themselves, forcing authorities to call for back up. It is my understanding Police from Lake Waukomis, Farrelview, and Northmoor have already been put on alert. Which side will Mayor Bos choose? He has always been a big supporter of SWAT...will he direct the Police to report to a contrived DONUTFEST at the Community Center or man up and arrest the lawbreakers?
One thing for sure, you'll get the straight skinny right here.
fix the problem and move on, the brain trust at City Hall needs to get a grip. I thought Finn had her act together, guess not.
You forgot community center events, arresting the bride and groom during their champagne toast would be perfect!
Finn and DeJong need to get with the program. Aren't they supposed to represent the citizens view rather than than their own personal agendas?? If a committee asks the citizens and comes back with a recommendation representing the overall view, I don't see any need to naysay. Finn never asked for my input - wonder why not!
We could always go back to septic tanks, that would save a lot in maintaining the grinders. Might also consider going to well water, although that might not be cheap.
I don't see a big problem, many senior citizens have heart problems, a prescription from their doctor for red wine should keep them off the paddy wagon.
Can I get more info on the DonutFest?
SWAT Update...Article KC Star Northland edition today, Page 4. More details about the event, includng ticket price of $7 for a buffet style meal. The article mentions the goal of the fund raiser is $10,000 and they expect more than 400 people to attend.
Star SWAT article
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