7 September
Part 2
Where was I ? Oh, yeah, Mary's committee does their due diligence, returns a reasonable (I believe) recommendation, all it takes is the vote by the BOA and next agenda item...Not so fast. Alderman DeJong voices his concern about booze in the parks (mind you it has been going on for years). Alderman Finn chips in with her survey of three communities, Gladstone, Riverside and Parkville which mostly do not allow liquor in their parks (not that I would compare those cities or parks to ours). DeJong moves to table the motion that would repeal the booze ban. During the discussion Chief Gary mentions they have never made an arrest in the parks when alcohol has been involved (30 plus years) since he has been on the force. City Attorney John warns if conditions are made on who can consume (by permit for example) there could be serious issues based on how the criteria were constructed. It was also pointed out the current rules for CC rental require a police officer if alcohol is served...so, although it is technically illegal to drink in public places, we require a cop to be there to observe the proceedings. Jerry, to add his style of humor, mentions it is illegal to walk across the street to his neighbors with a glass of wine in his hand. yuk-yuk.
So with that, the question is called on the motion to table the repeal ordinance. Vic, yes. Mary, no. Ed, no. Tanya, yes. Tie vote. Jerry, for the first time in his tenure as mayor, gets to break the tie. His preamble to explain his vote is rambling and almost unintelligible. I did get a sense of almost remorse when he mentions commissioning the committee then ignoring their counsel. With that he cast the vote, yes to table, siding with Vic and Tanya making the current ordinance the law of the City. Odd how his vote could have done what he wanted to do in the first place...change the ordinance so the OFC could guzzle at Cristhaven. The benefit is the Hell's Angels won't pick our parks for their next beer bust.
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