The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
September 7Kinda. Hang in there while I sort this one out for you, as Ricky said, " there's splainin to do"
You might recall some months ago the discussion of drinking in the parks, specifically Cristhaven Park, came up. This was propagated by the fact that many concert goers who attended the Concert in the Park series brought their own liquid refreshments while listening to Oldies. It was discovered, technically, that alcohol was illegal because there was a ban on alcohol in public places. Mayor Jerry, a card carrying member of the Old Farts Crew (OFC), set out to right the wrong so the Crew would not be in violation of City Code. In true fashion, he appointed a Committee, chaired by Alderman Hoy to come up with a solution. Also in their mandate was to sort out issues regarding curfew in the Parks. Committee members included, Alderman Bossert, Parks board members Moratz (L) and Phillips, Police Chief Gary, and City Attorney John for legal advice. The issues were discussed at the Park Board monthly meeting as well as the "Alcohol Committee" meeting. Recommendations were prepared for the BOA.
Mary Hoy presented the recommendations to the BOA, simply put to remove the ban on public consumption of alcohol and the Park Board would post all parks banning use (of the parks) from the hours of 12:01 AM to 5AM. Straightforward right? Wrong.
For the rest of the story, come back tomorrow...on my way to Memphis on biz.
Ohhhhhhhh Mikey, I get it!!!!! We are all spossed to drink milk, right Lucy? Is there any other 'option'? I see the evil hands of the DFA here too.
How about cigars on our boats? Tell me, is that wrong too?
Glad we're spending limited time fixing things that aren't broken. That only takes away the limited time people have to work on meaningful things. Once again, good going Mayor.
Did we spend $ for the attorney to be at the alcohol committee meeting? what a waste of money, huh vic?
Ditto above. Good thing the Landmark doesn't cover our meetings, would be kind of embarrasing?
Ok so NOW we can LEGALLY drink in ou parks as long as it's between the hours of 5:01am and 12:00am. Ok sounds good. Shall we all go have screw drivers in the park now??
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