Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Seen on the West Side Streets this past weekend...
A County Commissioner running for re-election with a WL Alderman in tow.
Yep, Kathy Dusenberry and longtime pal and WL West Side Alderman/woman/person Mary Hoy making the campaigning rounds.  Should be an interesting election with WL Judge Beverlee Roper the other Republican candidate in a winner takes all primary.  Roper needs a strong turnout in WL to combat Dusenberry's base in Parkville.  More to come.

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Anonymous said...

Why would we vore republican?

Not exactly the party of smart people

Bachman Palin Blackburn De mint Perry and Bush


Anonymous said...

So apparently you are a dumbocrat! Before you criticize anyone about not being smart, you should look in the mirror! How do you spell "vote" genius?

Anonymous said...


So apparently you think Bachman Palin Blackburn De mint Perry and Bush are smart.

I only got the chance to V O T E against one of them

I did vote for R Reagan and GH Bush

Not voting for Dubya made me a smart Republican and I didnt need to be a genius to see a dunce you elected

2009 was the end of an error but the "dumocrats" are being blamed for the "dubya" messes and look in the mirror to see who enables that to continue by your partisan ship

The problem is right there between your ears genius
Partisan ship just like this blog started out as a partisan only
All politics are local and thats how I see it

Anonymous said...

That's a little better. Keep practicing though! But one question if you don’t mind. I need to know how you vote against a candidate? Every ballot I ever saw only had the means to vote for a candidate?

Anonymous said...

"I need to know how you vote against a candidate?"

I know members of the Grand Older Party needed to be told what they think but I did not realize they need to have simple things explained to them. But here is how..

If you are a republican and think the GOP candidate is a dunce then you vote dumocrat

Russian Judge said...

Just FYI - I went to the debate between Judge Roper & Commissioner Dusenberry. Let's just say the current Commissioner left in tears.

Even the Russian judge had a clear TKO knockout for Judge Roper. No contest.

I felt bad for Commissioner Dusenberry. Looks like she will have to survive in the private sector now.

Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Well then, if you are a member of the Dumbocrat Party and want to vote for a GOP candidate is that considered voting against the dumbocrat or just voting for the best and most qualified candidate! I looked at a sample ballot and don't see a block to check to indicate a vote against any dumbocrats! I guess dumbocrats just see things differently than normal people. Have you ever voted?

Russian Judge said...

Dear Anonymous @ 2:16,

I read and reread your post a couple of times and have one request - can you please use English next time?

Russian Judge

Anonymous said...

Russian Judge

Dont expect much from a Fox and friends genius.

What a former republican and the "dumbocrats" would call a republitard

And why I vote against them for now

I have hope

And if you believe Russia is our biggest threat then vote for the Misfit
God help us at the very least he will take us to war with Iran

Maybe will preemptively fight Russia over there vs. over here

Why is it called Defense Spending anyway ?

Sure looks like Offensive Spending for sure when it gets in the Trillions