Sunday, February 3, 2013

Return of the...

The Official Minutes of the WL BOA
January 17th

Never have gotten into the Zombies thing, but to each his own, right

Speaking of the dead, undead, returning from the dead...Jerry mentioned he had received an email from Mary requesting discussion of the lack of building in the West Ridge subdivision and her perception of the negative effect of City codes and fees that contribute, (in her mind and a small group of others) to the mostly vacant subdivision.  Marlin and Linda Cone appeared in support of the notion that the City was the main impediment to building new homes at West Ridge, thus preventing a "revenue stream" for the City.

Mary said she talked with "realtors and builders" regarding the issue.  She did not identify exactly who they were, other than the Cones.

This started a lively interchange with Mary, Jerry, George and the Cones, the Mayor obviously straining to remain patient and calm.  Jerry pointed out if the City codes and fees were an issue, apparently it wasn't a big deal because he has not been approached or contacted regarding those issues.  George mentioned our codes (the 09 version of the International Codes) are what virtually all cities are following in the area.  One of the differences might be the fee for grinders which many cities do not have (if you live in Riss Lake your results may vary).

None of the aldermen seemed interest to support the idea of looking into or changing anything, other than Mary.  The Mayor clearly was not.  Mary is interested in establishing a committee to study the issues, no motion was made by Mary, it would have been DOA (Dead On Arrival, kind of a Zombie motif).

Hand it to them, Mary and the Cones will not give up on the idea.  Smaller lot sizes, smaller homes, patio homes...not sure what the agenda is, but rest assured, there is an agenda.


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Anonymous said...

The Hoy platform as a candidate for Mayor in 2014!

Anonymous said...

That is the rumor.

Anonymous said...

Luckily she imposed a "three term limit" on herself as alderman. My concern a goofy board could go ahead and do the stuff she has mentioned, without any kind of voter approval.

Anonymous said...

You think her stuff is goofy, wait till you see what the WLIC has in store for you on the zebra mussell issue....actually, not so much goofy as scary.

Anonymous said...

I think we should have a zebra mussel committee and I nominate Mary Hoy as chair, she needs something to do.