Friday, August 29, 2014


If my last post didn't make you a little uneasy regarding the financial machinations of the Mayor and BOA...well, skip the rest of this post.

I understand if you don't have time for attending the BOA (kind of) but I hope you might be stimulated to get more information, after all, it is your money.  My advice is go directly to the source, the Mayor and Aldermen.  You can email/call them, just check the City web site or phone book. (Note: West Ward Alderman Richmond was not present for the proceedings but certainly should be well informed on the issue)

They have the ability, as elected officials, to raise your taxes up to a they are accountable to you.  Questions you might ask:
  • Were the aldermen fully informed, with all materials, prior to the vote on the levy?
  • If not, why not?
  • Was there an alternative plan formulated, especially for the bond levy, if for whatever reason, questions from the aldermen and/or public did not support the levy rate?  If there was not "Plan B", why?
  • What exactly are the interest rates for the bonds?  The Mayor could not give specifics other than "around 6 to7%".  Why wouldn't the staff know this if the plan was to retire debt with "higher interest rates"?
  • Alderman Stevenson brought up the city's ability to borrow money through bonds.  When asked the question as to how much the City had available to borrow, nobody knew.  What is available borrowing capacity of the City?
  • If "Mayor Jerry" is the architect of the pay down scheme, was he invited to support the current administrations plan to carry on the plan?
  • Why weren't bond officials at the meeting?  I can remember meetings were they were invited and attended to explain the details of the bonds.
Smoke from a distance.
Smoke from a distance. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Fair prepared for a bit of smoke and haze, plenty of that was being generated at the meeting.  The Mayor and BOA live a pretty sheltered life, away from the scrutiny of the media and the public.  In my opinion it leads to the sloppy state of affairs witnessed (by a few) last Wednesday night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought the new guy was an experienced mayor, at least that is what I was lead to believe. He said during his campaign he would best use our tax dollars, what he didn't say was he would increase the tax dollars.