Sunday, January 28, 2018

Some Things Change...

And some things stay the same.  Hi everyone, after my sabbatical following last year’s City election I am back at it for the run up to the City election for April 2018.  There is something for everyone in this election, incumbents trying to maintain their positions, newbies trying to mix it up and of course everything else that involves small town politics.  You won’t find information about the dynamics anywhere else but here...not in the Star, not in the Landmark...okay you might get a snippet the week before the election in the Star, a paragraph (submitted by the candidates) edited by someone there who is rather clueless.

So you are stuck with me and others who are observers at City Hall.  You might even get to meet (at least virtually) the “Three Amigas” as I have nicknamed them, three women who have been consistent attendees of the Board of Aldermen meetings.  I may be forced to maintain their anonymity to protect the innocent.

Please be patient, I will ramp up posts in the coming weeks, if you will, tell friends and neighbors about the blog.  As has been my policy in the past, I do not censor Comments...but don’t use “anonymous” to take potshots...use your name and be on the record...just like me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome back Mike, you need to quit going silent.