Saturday, February 7, 2009

"Not A Lot"

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA

Meeting 2-3

Jerry's Communications to the BOA

Barry Road
Progress? "Not a lot" City continues to communicate with KCMO (?). The contractor for our piece of the project has not yet received the notice to proceed.
Sonoma Ridge
Progress? "Not a lot" We've sent letters asking them to "speed up" When questioned if we are making progress, Jerry said "no". Alderman Finn pointed out to Jerry we have an ordinance that can be enforced with a daily fine. Jerry responded, "I know but it may make a difference only between a turtle or a snail".
Building Codes and Policy
Still waiting on the International Codes update before proceeding. Jerry mentioned "18 to 24 months" is the normal building permit expiration "around here". He did not expand on what "around here" meant. Alderman DeJong asked, "Are we going to look at how difficult it is to build (here)?". Jerry responded, "That's contractor talk".
Recycle MARC
MARC (MidAmerica Regional Council) would like a representative on the Recycle board at MARC. The Metro Mayors Caucus met recently to discuss the problem of landfills filling up. The Chair (Jerry-"I forget his name, he's from either Blue Springs or Lees Summit") pointed out some local landfills will be closed as early as 2012 with no new landfill permits being filed. (FYI, his name is Carson Ross from Blue Springs)

FYI x2 - Recent Star article KCMO Council intends to toughen up enforcement of the current 2 bag (40 pounds max each) limit for trash bags at the curb in KCMO. Every bag over two requires a tag which costs $1. Some homes here would be paying up if that went into effect at WL. I noticed yesterday quite a few neighbors who could have taken boxes to the bins instead of the curb, we've got a long way to go.
Platte County Grant Request
George is preparing a stormwater grant request to address a problem on Moser on the East Side.
75th Anniversary Committee
Alderman Finn reported on the SuperBowl Party. The Sat TV hookup works fab with the big screen projector. Tanya wanted it to be noted for the record the amount the Committee is seeking to raise is around $10,000 to $12,000. Apparently a rumor is making the rounds the committee needs $50,000. Tanya says the $10,000 figure comes from the cost of the last Dam party.
New Part-Time Office Admin
Teresa Leone-Hammer was introduced as the new person in the office. Give her a "welcome" next time you call or appear at the front window.
Last meeting's Minutes
Vic wanted the minutes amended to include his comment/question about the Park Board's "reserves being diminished by $100,000". Curious in that he was approached by the Park Board VP after the last Special Board Meeting to address his concerns about the Park Board budget. Vic said he would call the next day. He didn't. Jerry said he would call Marvin (Park Board President) after the discussion and Vic's remarks last BOA meeting. He didn't either. Two great examples of public officials using the bully pulpit to pontificate...but no action. Too busy to pick up the phone?

The minutes also reflected the hiring of Paul Vescovo as a part-time police officer. If that name sounds familiar, Officer Vescovo is the former Clay county sheriff who last in last April's election in Clay County. I missed that piece of news from last BOA, it was announced after the BOA had gone into closed session and then reconvened to public session. Typically nobody waits out the BOA when they go into closed.

More to come

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its been said before on other blogs ....
We "ask" "communicate with KCMO"
Success? "Not a lot" "speed up" no we are just going to hurry up and wait
Are we are making progress?"no".

Dont hold your breath or expect anyone to be effective protecting our lake or our interests .

Just a friendly reminder sure and thank your your favorite team of community meddlers for all they have accomplished.