Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Ok, for those with a salacious appetite, I have your attention. What I am really referring is the Perseid Meteor shower just finishing up as I peck away. I got up @ 3:45AM to view what was supposed to be a spectacular was, depending on your point of view. First of all, requirements for the viewing.
  • A strong cup of joe
  • Proper clothing (sweats)
  • Beach towel for sweaty outdoor lounger
  • Specs for sharpened eyesight
  • Did I mention coffee?

The half moon didn't help the surveillance, a little too bright, so I positioned my lounger facing away from the moon. Pulled back, full tilt, facing upward. Quiet. So, where are the 200 meteors per hour? Patience. No where near that count, but I did see 5 during the 40 minutes or so that were very bright, very quick across the sky. Here then gone. In between meteors, just the quiet of the lake, an occasional flop of a fish (or something) and stars twinkling. My solace was broken by a kind of growling, grunting noise behind me. Not loud, but close. I rise to catch sight of two racoons larger than dogs (well they seemed that big) waddling, now hightailing a foot or two behind me. "Holy Crap" I think was on our collective minds (if a coon has a mind). A little racket as they vacated the area. Then back to peace and quiet.

So I'll admit I expected more of a show, but really it is quality, not quantity. I bagged my limit of meteors and had some quiet time to enjoy the early morning stars and solitude of WL. Nice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you!! I very much enjoyed that. Rare is it that we take the time to enjoy or take in what our "world has to offer. Thanks again for sharing. :)