Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Plan B

The cold shower the EAG Committee received last Friday at the bid opening might be just the thing to bring, as one person called it "Jerry's Folly" down to earth. Replacement of the entrance monuments on Barry Road are certainly in order, not sure we need them on every street corner. A more modest plan may be able to salvage the pledged money. Maintenance free or close to it is just as important, the City simply doesn't have staff to maintain landscaping around monuments and I don't think we should count on volunteers to carry the load.


Anonymous said...

Honestly do not understand this. What are these entrance signs made of? Gold? If downturn in the ecomony is the reason given, doesn't it follow that bids would be cheaper because people need the work? I picture rustic signs made from a local craftsman. Surely it can't be that expensive, can look awesome and portray Weatherby Lake as a down home community. . . which many people would like to see. We're not Lake Tahoe.

Anonymous said...

My guess is that you didn't go to any of the "public" meetings. Think bigger. MUCH bigger. Go to and go to government, then boards and committees, then entrance advisory group. Pictures are loaded there under documents on the right side of the page. Oh how i wish it were local craftsman!

Anonymous said...

With that bid for two, if you add them all up, it would cost about as much as our water tower. Sheer lunacy.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 4:10
Think much bigger? For what purpose? Spend more money? Have bigger signs? Signs before were crafted for a fraction, repeat - crafted for a fraction of the present bids. Look around. We do not have a high-rolling community. If the very small minority of high income Weatherby citizens of Weatherby citizens want the signs, more power to them, just pay for them. Anonymous Bigger and Better . . . what do you think the outcome would be if all citizens of Weatherby were asked to vote yes or not for these signs? Take a hard look at your community.

Anonymous said...

4:04 to 8:08....Sorry you misunderstood. I'm COMPLETELY in your camp. I thought 3:39 didn't know what they were pricing out. I think the plans are crazy. FYI though, the intention is that it's funded soley by donations. So the minority of high-income folks are sort of paying for them. They just need to get a major reality check vs. asking for my check to fund massive monuments.

Anonymous said...

Apologize 2:50PM for misunderstanding.

Food for thought: $600,000 equals a couple houses.