Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Costello Settlement Stalls

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WLIC Annual Meeting
November 9th

Joe gave a summary of the lawsuit of WLIC v Costello regarding the "clear cut by Costello" of WLIC property.  A resolution and settlement seemed iminent in September but the Costellos have failed to sign a mutual release.  No discussion of next steps (I assume this is executive session stuff).  Joe mentioned the litigation has cost $8,000, so far.


Anonymous said...

Can someone post a summary of what happened and what the proposed settlement was?

I thought government was supposed to be a servant of the people.

Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets. - Matthew 7:12

Anonymous said...

Barry Road Update. Email from Sean Demory. We will be reopening the roadway at 9 a.m. on Friday, November 19. The District 2 City Council members and Mayor Funkhouser will be on hand, and we'll hold a brief project tour and briefing before moving the barricades. Best,
Sean Demory
Capital Projects Office

mike moratz said...

Regarding the settlement, my advice is to call one of the Board members, in particular Board President Joe Ennett. He could give you his summary of the suit he delivered at the Annual Meeting. He rattled off quite a few statistics regarding the types of trees and their girth, I couldn't write it down fast enough.