Friday, January 7, 2011

Recycle Redux

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
January 4

Make every page count - recycleImage by Earl - What I Saw 2.0 via Flickr
Janelle Martens, a WL citizen who lives across the street from City Hall, addressed the BOA during Public Comments.  She is concerned over the eyesore the recycling area has become in front of City Hall, and in particular, the amount of recycling that either is placed outside the bins or flies out of the bins.  The result is material that ends up in her yard.  She distributed pictures to the Mayor and BOA to see the proof.  She also commented that she has observed people she believes do not live at WL depositing stuff in the recently as the 3rd...she really wanted to confront them (for personal safety I am glad she did not). She pointed out at least one individual had jumped into the bins to smash cardboard down in the bin, a safety hazard in her mind.  The Mayor acknowledged her complaints, but neither he nor the BOA offered any solutions.  The Mayor did "ding" Alderman Finn during the financials, pointing out to Tanya the losing proposition of recycling...revenue $1,500, expense $3, -$1,500.

What to do?  I would think the Mayor/Alderman/City staff might notice if the bins are full and/or overflowing and take action to relieve the Martens of the burden.  The City Hall bins seem to be more of a problem than the CC bins.    If the City were to remain committed to the current form of recycling some sort of fence shielding view of the bins might not be a bad idea.  Increased surveillance, including the use of video cameras might be considered to assist in identifying non-residents and those who "litter", which carries a fine up to $500.  A number of readers also recycle...crushing all items before placing in the bins is a huge assist...I'm always amazed at the large boxes put in the bins untouched...taking up much need space.

Curb side recycling  might be the answer,  but one not palatable to those who have no interest in recycling.  Every scenario I know requires mandatory participation, and the cost, for the City.  Which takes us back to the discussion of the trash contract.   Oops, got to go, it's Friday...trash day.
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