Thursday, June 30, 2011

Be Safe Out There

The recent drowning of a 12 year old girl at Lake Waukomis is a sober reminder how quickly an innocent act can turn tragic. The highest volume weekend of the year in regards to lake use is upon us with members and guests trying to stay cool in the oppressive heat. Life jackets are just that, life saving. I always question new guests' ability to swim, and have vests available. Let's respect no wake zones and be extra careful this each other out. I'm always amazed by those who would never drink and drive but hop on their pontoon...staggering. I'd love not to have blogging material concerning an accident @ WL.,0,6076498.story
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The WLIC is more vigilant in enforcing dock stickers than safety

No wake zones are not

We do nothing to enforce them

People are full speed thru out the lake close to docks often with people in the water

Lots of kids sitting in front with legs hanging Too many without any clue what could happen