Monday, July 30, 2012

Home Stretch

A week from tomorrow marks the primary election date...and the mailers are flying hot and heavy.  Look at it this way...the Postal Service can use the revenue and WL does have recycling, a win-win.,_Platte_County,_MO.html


Captain Ronald McMillan said...


Question from the peanut gallery: could you set up an online poll on this website that asks visitors to cast a vote for Judge Roper or Commissioner Dusenberry?

It would be interesting to see who the general Weatherby Lake population will be voting for next week.

Please keep up the good work on this site.

I'm voting for Judge Roper - Dusenberry wants to continue the tax and spend policies - reminds me a little bit of a former community organizer from Chicago. Enough already.

Good luck to us all and please be safe watching out for rogue golf carts tearing up our safe streets.

Ronald McMillan

Anonymous said...

Target supports homosexual marriage!

Caligula said...

Dusenberry shops regularly at target...and target supports homosexual marriage (so says Anonymous at 1110pm), so would that mean that Dusenberry suppports homosexual marriage Mr. Anonymous?

mike moratz said...

Dear Ronald,
I can put a poll on the blog using a polling feature, but cannot account for multiple votes by one the poll would be useless. Same goes for comments section, a person could have multiple identities.