Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Thin Skinned

pick up your marbles (and go home/leave)
to suddenly leave an activity you have been involved in with other people, because you do not like what is happening.
The Free Dictionary
English: Picture of marbles from my collection
English: Picture of marbles from my collection (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
Sept 3

Ok, guilty as charged, continued AWOL from the blog...but I did attend last night's BOA meeting which had its share of highlights/lowlights.

It has been pointed out to me recently the City has stopped publishing official notices in The Landmark ( and switched to The Citizen
(  For the casual observer, no biggie.  But inquiring minds want to know, so I posed the question to the Mayor at Open Comments.  After a bit of hemming/hawing and obfuscation the truth came out.  It seems the editor of the Landmark, Ivan Foley, printed remarks about Jerry some time back that offended Jerry.  What's a Mayor to do?  Payback in the form of pulling the publishing of notices in the Landmark and going to the Citizen.  That will show him.  (Also interesting that Commissioner Bev Roper has taken her lumps from Foley as well).

A bit about political persuasion.  I think it is fair to say Mr Foley has a conservative bent, and certainly Jerry has made comments in the past that align to the right.  I think it is also correct to put Mr Stubbs, editor of the Citizen, a good tad to the left of center.  Is Jerry joining up with the libs?

How would you know about the switch?  Nothing about it on the City Web site.  Not noted in Jerry's recent column in the WLL.  It was obvious the aldermen were unaware of the switch as well.

For the most part, there is never anybody from the press attending our public meetings, at least not from my observation the last eleven years.  It gives City officials the opportunity to bask in anonymity not afforded even to their County counterparts.  Thick skinned?  Nah.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I for one like the change. Though, not for any direct political reasons. Rather, I get the Sunday paper for free with a subscription to the Citizen (as any WL resident can). About $25 a year for a weekly local paper and the Sunday KC Star with coupons et. al. Sounds like a bargain to me!