Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Be Careful What You Wish For

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
February 8

Two straight days of reporting by the Star suggest Guv Brownback and his JOCO pals have had serious discussions regarding a Johnson County construction of an alternative to MCI (lower West siders, MCI is the airline code for KCI)...really.  For a few at WL who get frazzled by the occasional intrusion into WL air space by errant airliners this must be music to their airs, or rather the possibility of quiet to their ears (see post Sounds of Silence to relive the time that MCI was truly silent).  Is this just a poke by some to get the construction/reconstruction of MCI on track, who knows?

Mayor's Comments on Alderman's Comments

Ms Finn briefly mentioned the resurrected Ad Hoc airport noise committee...followed by the Mayor's 2 cents on airline overflights of WL.  According to his personal log, since mid-December, there have been two incursions of flights over WL.  Hard to rally the troops behind those paltry numbers, but still worthy of air time (sorry, couldn't help myself) during BOA meetings.

The Mayor did not respond to a question from the audience regarding SAM training for the WL Police force (Surface to Air Missiles), leaving the public to wonder exactly what threats have been made to MCI officials.

On a serious note, imagine if JOCO/KS were to actually build an airport.  Besides our lake, the proximity of the airport is a nice feature of homes here, think about a trip south of Olathe to hop on board your Southwest flight... oh the agony.  You are now free to roam about the country.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There have got to be more pressing issues than obsessing about airplane noise, really.