Thursday, February 23, 2017

"Haunted by leaks"

No not referring to the Trump administration...I am reading an article in the Star (2/22) that refers to an investigative report detailing the estimated 2015 "9.15 billion gallons in ghost water"in the KC water system...put another way, they know how much water was treated and distributed (28 billion gallons) but a third of it (9 billion) "went missing".  The article by Mike McGraw estimates that the ghost water costs ratepayers $133 per customer per year.  Hmmm, could that be me?  I think at this point, the answer is I don't know...but inquiring minds want to know, right?

Another term used to define missing water is "shrinkage".  It has been a subject of interest here at Weatherby Lake, but not recently.  We get billed for water from our friends at KCMO...we in turn are billed by WL based on what your radio feed meter barks out a meter reading time.  What is the difference between what we owe to KCMO and what we bill?  That would be shrinkage.

In any event, it might be a topic of interest at the next BOA.  Are we underwriting any of the ghost water at KCMO?...and what is our shrinkage rate in WL?

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