As the road construction ramps up with the warming weather Barry-East, Amity and Barry west of West side are getting plenty of action. Can't help but notice new ground laid bare and big piles of dirt at the corner of East side and Barry. Erosion and siltation control? Some. Enough? You make the opinion is it borders on atrocity. Have we(City/WLIC) made any noise? Don't know, hope so...and if so we aren't getting much of a response. Yikes Rain predicted for Sunday/Monday.
Just in time, WLIC has issued a call for Stream Team volunteers:
Dear WLIC Members,
A Stream Team Committee Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, March 19th at 10:00 am, in Town Hall (City Hall). Existing Members and New Volunteers are welcome to join us for the first meeting of the year.
The WLIC Stream Team collects water samples during stormwater events to monitor runoff from construction sites in our watershed. We would greatly appreciate volunteers willing to help!
Our Agenda will include:
1) Opening Comments
2) Reviewing Testing Procedures
3) Equipment Needs
4) Review Testing Calendar
5) Review Test Sites
6) Determine Date for New Volunteer Training
7) Field / Site Visit in Teams
Please Join Us!
Weatherby Lake Improvement Company
7200 N.W. Eastside Drive
Weatherby Lake, MO 64152
Ph.(816) 741-5556
Fax (816) 741-2081
I had the same thought, what if we get a big storm? There is no way run off is going to be prevented based on what I see.
Some should go to the new retention basin directly.... aka the 'Bean Field'. WLIC Board of Directors as calm as March lambs knowing everyone is paying for the soon to be started dredge.
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