One issue that isn't generally known is a proposal to outsource the lunch program to a vendor who would supply food from an outside kitchen, closing down the food prep at the individual schools. Why? To save money and two of the proponents for removing food service are running for the Board, Pauli Kendrick for a three year term and Fred Sanchez for a one year term. Can you imagine what the food would be like trucked in to the schools? I'm thinking PBJ might be a better deal. I can't imagine the kids on subsidized lunches will be thrilled either, probably, currently, their best meal of the day. Anybody care? Candidates Janice Bolin, Michael Atchison, and Boon Lee are in favor of retaining the food service at the schools. Candidates Todd Burr and David Cox running for the one year term are in favor of retaining as well.
I have had the pleasure of eating lunch at Renner and Plaza as our kids made it through the gauntlet, the food was good. Haven't eaten at the High School, but our two Trojans give thumbs up. If you can't find a reason to vote, maybe keeping the kitchens would be enough to go to the CC next Tuesday.
What was served at least in one of the schools yesterday? From scratch, homemade biscuits.
Boon Lee should have been appointed to the board, he was the top vote getter that didn't make the board last election. When a vacancy happened, Kendrick was appointed rather than Lee. Why? Sanchez pushed for Kendrick, his political pal. Neither one is getting my vote, I am voting for Lee.
Vote in WB will be light, I predict. NO ONE CAN GET THERE!!!!!
The Biscuit Makers must be in a Union and get lavish pay and pensions like the teachers do .They are therefore enemies of our way of life
Privatize.Look how good that worked for the military
"The Biscuit Makers" work part time
with no benefits.
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