Thursday, March 3, 2011


The census data is out and WL looks to be a little bit smaller these days, 150 people less to be exact.  We are down to 1,723 mostly white folks.  Conjecture is it might have an effect where revenue sharing from the county and state include population as part of the formula.  Responsible child bearing age couples should consider assisting their more senior Weatherbeans by raising another crop of kids to combat the loss of bodies.  Consider it your civic get cracking.  

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Anonymous said...

Possibly the numbers are lower, because the taxes are too high to live in WL so people are wising up and chosing to opt to live here instead of have children!

Anonymous said...

We have been kicking around the idea of moving after living decades here because of several things that have happened in the past few years. Makes me very sad.

mike moratz said...

Maybe I should have entitled the piece "Shriveling" relating to a possibly lower birth rate.

There is a price point where prospective buyers will not pay a premium to live @ WL. For Sale signs that seem to be permanent fixtures on lawns might be a harbinger of that.