Monday, March 28, 2011

School Bored

Aside from the WL races for aldermen (Hoy & Folkedahl) why should you vote in April?  (Okay, neither one would inspire me to spend the gas money to blacken the oval) (You could always write-in somebody I guess)

The Park Hill School District Board election.  Why should you even care?

  • Do you have kids/grandkids in the district?
  • Do you pay property tax? (you do know what % of your hard earned money goes to PH, right?)
There are a pack of wannabes for positions on the board, and if voters were persuaded, WL would end up with three Board members, Kendrick (a sort of incumbent who made it to the Board by appointment), Schnell (an incumbent not up for election) and Burr ( a newcomer trying to make the Board for the first time).  Usually the races are pretty benign, but this election has a bit of spice.  The current issue of the Luminary has a front page piece entitled "Lies, Partisan Politics, and Class Warfare".  It highlights comments and allegations about incumbent Fred Sanchez, current VP of the Board.  (Interesting note, the article points out the political affiliations of some candidates in an election that is nonpartisan.  Sanchez is identified as a "democrat", not a secret, and those in the know are aware he and Pauli Kendrick are Democratic political allies).

More on the election later, grab the 25 March edition of the Luminary for the full story.  I'll post more on the election during the week, including an issue not likely to be addressed anywhere...except here.

A School Board Candidate Forum will be held Tuesday, March 29th, 6PM, Room 110 at the PH District Office, 7703 NW Barry Road.  Hopefully all 8 candidates will be there, I suspect the proceedings could get a bit frisky.     

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