Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Other Shoe Drops

Mary Hoy forwarded this from Greg Sager, Dept of Public Works, Platte County

In the meantime, the aforementioned Russ made these comments about the new 72nd street project in KCMO:
"Noting that disruption in residents' lives needs to be kept to a minimum, Councilman Johnson said, "The contractor will receive a bonus if they are able to shorten the construction time of this project, thereby minimizing disruption to the residents of the valley."

The project's contractor will be able to close Green Hills Road for only 120 days, and will receive a bonus if the project is completed by Nov. 15, 2012.

Novel concept, huh?


Anonymous said...

Speaking of idiots, remember when Funhouser said he didn't see any reason why Barry Road couldn't be completed just as quick as the I35 construction in Minneapolis?

Anonymous said...

Why would the mayor care?

Anonymous said...

I'm not pro or con Mayor Bos but what exactly is the city suppose to do? File a lawsuit? Repeatedly confront KC at their council meetings for a better timeframe? Threaten the city (and with what)? When Rick Noble was out their filing lawsuits left and right, everyone seemed to hate his guts. I'm just asking . . . .

Anonymous said...

Maybe anything to be a squeaky wheel. I don't care about Bos one way or the other or who at the wlic is quietly doing whatever but be noisy. Showing up with the funk all smiles then doing nothing is not what that position should do. Maybe going and making noise at every council meeting would put a microscope on what is going on or not going on up here. this is ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Parkville's bridge construction has incentives for early completion. Why can't we?

Anonymous said...

because no one cares...