Meth is, as the KC Star editorial mentioned yesterday, "a scourge on this region"
On this everyone can agree. How to attack the problem is another matter. Currently in the Kansas and Missouri legislatures there are bills moving forward that would require over the counter pseudoephedrine products (Loratadine D, Mucinex D, etc.) to become prescription. These products are one of the sources illicit meth dealers use to concoct their brew. In Missouri these products are really called Behind The Counter, because pharmacies keep them back by the pharmacist in order to have a higher level of scrutiny. The feeling is by some, primarily law enforcement, that making these products prescription only (Rx) will help stem the flow of meth. Would that it would be that easy.
I suffer from seasonal allergies. I take a prescription drug which control them perfectly. Sometimes I take a "D" product in the first couple of weeks of the season when my allergies are the worst. I trip on down to CVS and get one package...takes care of my problem. My doctor knows I take the product, frankly encourages it. If the new law were passed another burden is added to the health care system. Yesterday the Wall Street Journal documented the problems with the new changes to Flex Savings Accounts across the country. This year in order to use Flex Savings for designated over the counter products you must get a prescription for common products, including aspirin or cough medicine. Primary care offices are being overwhelmed with the added work load of writing Rx's or even worse, requiring an office visit, in order to write the Rx. Some docs are worried about the liability of writing the Rx without seeing the patient...even for aspirin. Really. Some offices are charging a $5 or $10 dollar fee for an over the phone Rx. Rx will not be the cure, just look at the problems with oxycontin and other abused Rx drugs.
What can you do? If you haven't read the editorial in the Star, take a look (I don't often agree with the editorial page). Then call or email your state representative, readers in our area...that is Rep Nick Marshall.
The House will probably consider a bill early next week, so contact with Nick's office is important today or tomorrow.
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