Monday, November 3, 2008


I don't know if Al Gore has been invited, but you can attend a special BOA meeting that will consider a face lift for the current City web site. Toni Osterle of Tower Innovations will give a presentation on the capabilities of her company, November 10th, 6PM at City Hall. If you are a reader of this blog I consider you part of the WL computer nerd kingdom. Although the Mayor and BOA aren't exactly seeking your input (okay, Mary sent an email about the meeting), thought you might want to take a crack at it.

Have you ever visited the City website?

What do you like about it?
What don't you like?
What features would you like to have added?
(Ease of use is important, especially for City staff to do postings)

Many cities in MO have web sites, some very good, some horrid. The Missouri Municipal League (MML) has a convenient tab that lists members' web sites.
Take a look, if you see one you like, post a comment


Anonymous said...

I would like to see more information on the site. However during these economically hard times, shouldn't we be spending our money elsewhere??? We don't have funds for so many other things how do our officials possibly think we should pay for website stuff. There are many sites out there that cost next to nothing for the "air space" so to speak. Why pay for a system that may not be perfect, but gets the job done? If we need more information then Gwen or whomever is in charge of updates should be updating more.

Anonymous said...

I agree with November 3, 2008 1:05 PM. People NEED to go to the city meetings and voice their objections.

Anonymous said...


Lets do with what we have .

Spend for not what we want but what we need .

Anonymous said...

I believe money for the website is already in the budget and the new website will cost less plus give more info and is easier to use - won't need an administrator to update. There is a meeting on the 10th I think, Check with City Hall.

Anonymous said...

How would a website not need an administrator to update?? Will the site just magically put the meeting minutes, etc up?? Is the new program a mind reader, If so I need one!!~~

Anonymous said...

Is that sarcasm really necessary? If you went to the meeting this past week you would know that updating the new site is as simple as copying and pasting and can be done by our capable City Clerk - not a computer administrator.