Sunday, December 21, 2008

Follow the Money, Part III

The Hanman-Bos connection reminded me of the last mayoral campaign. I documented here (see archives, April 1 ) the various contributors for both the Bos and York efforts, and as you might recall, Jerry Bos had quite a few CEO/CFO/COO (12) contributors who lived outside of Weatherby Lake. If you were interested in becoming the next Mayor of Weatherby Lake, how much would it take per vote to win? Based on the last election, $22 per winning vote. Jerry raised $8,601 and received 396 votes. York raised $2,302.43 or $6 per losing vote. Jerry's margin of victory was 16 votes.

Wonder if the penalty assessed earlier this week against Jerry would have swung nine votes, thus change the outcome of the election? One of his campaign themes was his experience as an executive businessman, would that float today? Obviously the securities investigation issue was brewing prior to the election but out of sight to virtually all of the voters.

Where did all the campaign money go? York spent all of his money, his fund zeroed out. Bos did have a surplus at the end of the campaign, and here is where his funds went:

Brandon McPherson Memorial Foundation=$415.42
Tour de Cure=$500
National Multiple Sclerosis Society=$500
Committee to Elect Brian Stevenson=$714.37

After these distributions the Bos campaign zeroed out.

source: Missouri Ethics Commission Committee Disclosure Reports, Platte County Board of Elections


Anonymous said...

COLUMBIA-The Missouri chapter of the free-market grassroots group Americans for Prosperity (AFP-MO) today applauded Missouri State Representative Bryan Stevenson
for signing the group’s “No Climate Tax Pledge.”
“Using the guise of climate change to transfer dollars from hard-working citizens to bureaucratic big government is unacceptable,”

Anonymous said...

I may be missing something, but I don't understand 9:24's entry. Bryan Stevenson is not Brian Stevenson of Weatherby.

Anonymous said...

My mistake

I incorrectly assumed such a large contribution was for a State or national election

Hence my post subject Bryan Stevenson. Sorry

But ... $715 seems large
from a candidate for mayor to a candidate for Alderman .

Whatever nevermind

Anonymous said...

I'm not generally a political type...but to answer the blog question, put the margin at 15. Caveat Emptor.

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for Tonya Finn - she ran against Stevenson and won. But, now to find out Mayor Boss supported her disturbing.

Anonymous said...

To previous post: There was no secret that Bos, Stevenson and Dejong were all part of the same "team" so this shouldn't be a surprise to Tanya.

Anonymous said...

The Bos securities investigation brewing prior to the election may have been out of sight to virtually all of the WL voters but not to his staunch allies already elected to the city council. Hopefully the upcoming election will rid WL of this growing cancer.

Anonymous said...

Why is it our business whom his monies went to. I can see if those who donated wanted to know where their left over money went. But seriously what business is it of ours??

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous 12/31/08 2:40 PM.
So what you're saying to the Missouri Ethics Commission Committee, Platte County Board of Elections - It's none of your business? It's everyone's business because it's the law and we have every right to know the intentions of our elected officials. Pat White contributed money to Bos's election bid. What did she know or any of them about Bos's securities fraud case when he was running. We all should be questioning all our elected official's intentions and take this under serious consideration when voting in the next election..

mike moratz said...

Funding and campaign donations are the public's business, per Federal, State and County laws. If someone doesn't care, that's ok, but my guess is some folks do care. This issue of the transfer of funds from the the Bos to Stevenson campaigns is interesting. The timing of the transfer in unknown, the date of the transfer is left blank on the disclosure form. Will Mr Stevenson reappear as a candidate for East side alderman?