Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Some Pate' with Your Quackers?

Rendevous spot for the Geese in K Cove along with a few Ducks.
Honk Honk Honk
Honk Honk Honk
Honk Honk all the way.

Silent Night? No Way!


Anonymous said...

It is so loud, the dogs don´t want to go outside! Can WLIC do something to take back our lake??? I don´t know what is worse - loud music vibrating the windows or these geese!!!!

Anonymous said...

The last time the board did something they ran in to all kinds of opposition from within and who even brought in outside help to harass the board

Anonymous said...

HOw about the comment in the newsletter about the proposal at the March or April meeting to remove the $5 fee. It was decided what, in Sept/Oct to not move forward with the meters. Why do they need to wait til April to remove. It was for the purpose of meters if there is no meters it should have been removed immediately. I don't recall when it was put on, but for arguements sake, lets say it has been on 12 months. Now I know $5 is not much but lets look at the big picture. At a rate of $5 every other month x lets say 750 houses that is $22500 already collected. The money is not going to be returned to us, so shouldn't they have to stop collecting it now. If this was the state telling WL they had to pay for the Barry Road Bridge and we had been paying for a year, then MO said "well we aren't going to fix the bridge now, we'll vote to stop charging you for it sometime in about 6 or 7 months" What would we have said about paying the money???

Anonymous said...

Has anyone directly asked the meter question at the City Council meeting? There's been lots of talk re: water increases in KC press, perhaps they have been building coffers for those impending increases? Just a thought.

mike moratz said...

I did make a public comment/question regarding the meters at the November meeting. The response was, according to their research, there was no official pronouncement of the use for the fee when it was put in place. My recollection, as well as others who were present, differs. Interestingly MS White and Hoy were present at the time. Also meters were purchased prior to Jerry taking office (by George)but apparently returned. It is also of interest that MS White and Hoy from time to time voice their concerns regarding the high cost of living at the lake, but have no problem with a fee that is a sham. If someone wanted to make an issue, I believe the fee for phantom meters is a Hancock issue. Jerry responded to my question of refunds to tax payers by saying the money was gone...really?

Anonymous said...

I went back to the minutes from Nov. meetings on the website as i have before and find them VERY general. Is that the norm? How do we hold our elected officials responsible for the things they say? I.e., "there was no official pronouncement..." Is it simply a he said/she said situation? I would think there should be some checks and balances.

There's a similar issue with the vote to allow the WLIC to purchase/sell property. It was passed at '07 annual meeting after a emotional speech from Henke saying passing was imperative for the selling of the Peret property, and now we've purchased land for dock space.

mike moratz said...

Minutes are a challenge. Unless there is a verbatim recording (which would be expensive)the minutes can be hit or miss on capturing the discussion. If you have been to meetings you would agree. The most accurate portion should be votes/motions, etc. Maybe we could televise like Parkville?

Anonymous said...

I think televis would be great. Then we could DVR it!! However as 1/1/09 10:27am said with the WLIC we not only are purchasing land for dock space we purchased the bean field. It is amazing we need to make more dock space when the WLIC just let everyone buy a 2nd dock space in the last 2 years. Interesting

Anonymous said...

Or we could digitally videotape and upload video file to the new website.

mike moratz said...

The tapes would be suitable as a substitute for waterboarding at Gitmo.