Saturday, June 12, 2010


Don't bother going to the WLIC web site "for details" regarding the Lake closing as indicated on the signs posted in the access areas. No details there. Someone must have been thinking ahead, the signs look nice, a bold red with DANGER...eye catching.

You can get the names of your WLIC directors and phone numbers on the WLIC web site.

Here is some info on EColi posted recently by DNR:
The Missouri Department of Natural Resources, through its Division of State Park, manages 85 state parks and historic sites throughout the state, including 15 with swimming beaches. Water samples are taken weekly during the recreational swimming season to help ensure a safe public swimming area.
E. coli is a bacteria found in the intestinal tract of warm-blooded animals, including humans. While most strains of E. coli are harmless, some strains can cause gastrointestinal illness.
These bacteria and other pathogens can reach lake water from many different sources, both human and animal. For some people, such as children, elderly or those with weakened immune systems, even low levels of these bacteria may cause illness


Anonymous said...

Seems WLIC is better prepared to deal with the aftermath than the problem.

Anonymous said...

big deal,man-up you wimps. what's a little case of the runs. the new monuments should make you feel better.

Anonymous said...

How about an "evolving monument". It could be a giant dumpster that we fill with the garbage that comes in from KC. Or, Johnny on the Spot that says Welcome to the dump.

Anonymous said...

Many decades ago my godfather led a revolution to unionize his workplace. It was a blood bath but they won. Did they elect my godfather to head the union? No. It was the less controversial, the “more-easier-to work-with”, under the radar types who were elected to head the union.

A few years back we were in a townhome community with an ineffective board of directors. New election, new regime came in. Elected was this very tenacious individual. For years the residents wanted more street lights. Year after year, excuse after excuse was given why they couldn’t get them in. Main excuse was it would cost too much money. This tenacious individual worked and researched and worked and researched. Within 6 months of the election, the city was putting in street lights free of charge. Same went for fixing the twenty-year-old street fence, putting in speed bumps, reducing trash pick-up charges etc.

If we get a Rick Noble type in, eventually they are ostracized. I think our city and WLIC officials are fearful of a Rick Noble reputation. On the other hand we have no tenacious individuals working to find a solution to the years and years of sewage spill problems. We have the under the radar types who eventually go on to bigger and better things, ineffective but “easier to get along with”.