Friday, June 4, 2010

Pray For No Tornadoes

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
1 June

The BOA was presented with a Resolution to adopt the regional multi-hazard mitigation plan. This was done 5 years ago and is an update to the plan. I couldn't tell if the aldermen had just received the hard copy of the plan and didn't have time to read it...or didn't understand it or both. In any event, Alderman DeJong expressed his angst over voting for something he hadn't read. Decision by BOA to shelve the item until next month. Odd. One would think they would call a special meeting after giving themselves time to digest the plan, but not wait a month.

Net result, if we are unfortunate to have a disaster between now and then, we do not benefit from the County multi-hazard plan. Say an extra prayer on Sunday.


sherry said...

These folks are really in over their heads, aren't they? No communication with KCMO anymore and now they can't act on other critical issues before them in a timely manner. Mayor Bos doesn't follow his own rules for appointments and he is satisfied that our precious lake act as a retention basin for the National against sewage and silt.

Anonymous said...

I am sure it very complicated Sherry, please give our aldermen a break. I think we need a Risk/Hazard Mitigation Committee.