Wednesday, June 9, 2010


The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
June 1
While the discussion during the BOA regarding the EAGC, led by Jim Miller, focused on the bid results and remedies to the astronomical bid, not much has been said regarding the eventual repair and maintenance costs of the monuments once they are built. Assumptions are the City will have those responsibilities (read taxpayers). How much will the lighting/water/upkeep cost per year? Haven't seen those figures yet. Drive around the City and look at the current monuments. Looks like the City is struggling just to do the basics. How will the new and improved fare? The pic shows the Kerns monument, one of the first slated to be replaced. Note the weeds in the bed and foot high grass around the monument . Anybody notice?


Anonymous said...

The Mayor is too busy fund raising to take care of business. Look for the new to look like the three months.

Anonymous said...

Agree with above, why would I donate money for that?

Anonymous said...

Why not just be happy with what we currently have. The old saying "If it's not broke don't fix it" comes to mind. Why do we keep looking for ways to THROW money away?? Our city as was mentioned is struggling why WASTE money on a NON ESSENTIAL???
So sad they way some just like to waste waste waste