Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Going Down

Exerpts from email communication from Commodore Patty Parker, WLYC
Scott Lehr and myself attended the WLIC board meeting last night. It isn't good news for boaters but in order for the work to be completed at C-Point, we do not have a choice.

Below are the dates that were set last night at the WLIC board meeting. WLIC will also send out information and place these dates on their website soon to keep us all updated.
Sept. 6th: The lake will start to be lowered. The lake lowers approximately 6" a week if there is no rain. If we get a good rain, it fills up fast so they felt the need to start earlier than the Oct 3rd date we were trying to shoot for. If they wait until Oct. 3rd, there's no way they'll be able to work on footings and seawall before winter. The lake won't be low enough fast enough.

Sept. 18th: The WLIC recommends to start pulling your boats out for the winter. The lake will probably be down 18" - 24" at that point and that's about as low as most can go and to get their boats on the trailers.

Sept. 26th: The last day the C Point ramp will be useable because of the road construction and they begin cutting it down which includes cutting the top of the boat ramps down so they won't be assessable. Therefore, access to the mast pole will be gone after 9.26 so for sure Sonars would need to come out by then. The Venita ramp will still be available for those boats that can use that ramp.

Obviously this interupts the King Series. Please note, that the WLIC tried to work with everyones schedule to try to accomodate the Oct 2nd race!! But, after working backwards as to when the work needed to be done, and the timing on lowering the lake with the possiblilities of rain, there were very few options.

We also talked about extending the ramps. If the water goes below the current end of the ramp, then they plan to extend it.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad the WLYC knows what is going on, what about the rest of us?

Anonymous said...

We need a C Point upgrade, I'd just like to see the dollars and sense.

Anonymous said...

Receive the notification about the C-Point upgrade and pulling boats from the water. A little confused. Can pontoon boats be pulled out of the water at Venita at the lower lake level?