Sunday, August 1, 2010

Entrance Update

Don't know if you noticed a couple of items in the Miller update email earlier this week regarding the EAGC.  He mentions the private donations part of the effort amounting to 90% of the funding, with the City doing the other 10%.  Either the project is being drastically cut back (the City has $50,000 from KCMO) or there is anticipation the City will increase the contribution.  Maybe there will be further discussion @ the BOA this coming week.

The other note was the mention of the "major fundraising gala" on June 18th, 2011.  I guess the EAG wants to block the calendar before any other major event is scheduled in the community.  Speaking of fundraising, it will be interesting to see how the pledges for this year dribble in to the City kitty.  It's going to be tough to begin construction this year if there is a major redesign in the works.  Will that affect how donors view the project.  We'll see.

Here is the entrance for the new subdivision in Riverside, Montebella.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great idea, Weatherbella!