Monday, May 30, 2011

Bin Laiden

Øl (bud light beer) og snapsImage via Wikipedia
With curbside recycling coming to WL soon...I had never thought of this one.  Article in today's KCStar, page A19, by Diuguid, entitled "Bin Runners Grabbing Value From The Curb".  He mentions the phenomenon of folks filching mainly aluminum cans from the bins at curbside.  KC actually has a law making this illegal (don't think we are there yet, but could envision the current crew going after the bin robbers...based on the price of copper it could be a felony).

Dennis Gagnon, spokesperson for KC Public Works believes 65% of homes in KC recycle, adding,  "A lot of those curbs add up to a lot of value".

Details of the profit sharing arrangement with Allied Waste and WL have not been disclosed.  No doubt someone thinks enough of WL to abscond with copper, remember the heist of copper from a home under construction in WestRidge?

 Ah the nostalgia...we've actually had some items repurposed after taking them to the curb, a toilet, a bookcase, an old grill, an outdoor settee...thing of the past?  we shall see.

Don't forget the sunscreen today, see you on the lake.
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