Thursday, May 26, 2011

Gimme Shelter

Tornado ???Image by koschi via Flickr
So the sireens are blaring, I'm in my office fighting the email demons, what to do?  In the past I might have been prone to take a peak out of my window and pronounce all clear.  I know, I know, how stupid.  The images of Joplin and Reading are still fresh in my I head to our storm shelter, with Bear in tow (he's at the bottom of the blog page).  My cell rings, Lisa and the Boy are @ Wally World where they have herded all the patrons into the back storm news available there.  I give them the latest TV update before I headed to the shelter...I have a weather radio as well.  Anxiety reigns.  Bear sitting on my lap, happy as pie, although he seems a bit out of sorts because of the sireens and all...can a pie be happy?

All clear, they are released from WalMart, me back to the Beast.  Sedalia didn't fare as well as we did.

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1 comment:

mike moratz said...

Was in Jeff City yesterday attending a meeting @ our state govt. State went into "take cover" mode on Wed @ around 1:30PM due to multiple tornado threats and were not given all clear until 3PM, many confined to hall ways for the period. Can you say up close and personal?