Friday, April 12, 2013

Swan Song

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
March 9

The BOA after the election is always a bit unique, the outgoing officials preside over the beginning of the meeting followed by the swearing in of the new officials, followed by the rest of the meeting.  A motion was needed to accept the results of the election, Mary stumbled in placing the motion on the table for a vote, commenting "after six years", referring to the fact she still could not get it right...she is not alone, they all have their share of trouble following parliamentary procedure.
Picture of Whooper Swan, taken at Martin Mere, UK
Picture of Whooper Swan, taken at Martin Mere, UK (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Before stepping down Ms Hoy asked for the opportunity to make parting comments, which the Mayor granted.  A summary of her remarks:

  • She believes we should have term limits
  • Being in office after six years affords officials to be "too lazy" (wonder how Finn felt about that?)
  • That all being a result of being in office "too long"
  • She has accepted a full time position at the institution she is currently working
  • She gushed in her praise of the Police and Public Works Departments, acknowledging Gary and George, commenting how safe she feels at night and confident about the snow removal.  No mention of the City Clerk (Gwen) and staff.  Odd.  Oversight in the moment or intentional.  Go figure.
Mary also listed some of the "failures" during her term in office:
  •  Progress on the completion of the Entrance Monuments
  • Updating the city codes
  • West Ridge development (although not specific, this refers to her efforts to reduce lot size,  allow patio homes, etc).  

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Anonymous said...

I have never understood Mary's fascination for developing Westridge. I think the huge majority of folks at WL are in favor of keeping our community as a single family, 15,000sq ft city.

Anonymous said...

I am glad she believes in term limits, we got an upgrade when she left. She never really had to stretch to get elected.