- Why wouldn't the City pass on the water rate increase to users? Conjecture the City might "pass" on passing along the increase. KCMO won't pass, rest assured.
- Why would the City continue to collect the "meter fee" when the BOA voted months ago to not proceed with the "radio read meters"? What was the collected money used for? Why wouldn't we use radio read instead of requiring city employees wand each meter by hand? Even KCMO has radio read.
- How will the City fund the needed repairs to the gravity portion of the sewer system?
- How will the City service users outside of the City? How much will it cost to upgrade parts of the system in those areas?
- Are we prepared to certify our sewer system is free from storm water incursions? How much time/money will it cost?
Monday, March 30, 2009
Water/Sewer Rate Hearing
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Denise Schnell-School Board
If you pay property taxes you should care. A majority of your tax dollars go to support the District. Don't believe it? Pull out your last tax bill and do the math. It's big.
Ironically it's not enough. Any parent can tell you about the fund raising necessary to keep programs and teaching materials going through the efforts of PTAs and various "Backer" organizations. Not complaining, just sharing with those who might not know.
Quality of education? We've experienced elementary through high school, I would give an A-/B+. Very good with room for improvement. That's why we support and are involved in PTA.
So, if you are a West Sider and considered blowing off the April election because there was no race, reconsider. PH District is important, give Denise consideration. East siders going to write in for alderman due your diligence for the District as well.
Class dismissed.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Jabba The Hutt

KCMO provides our water/sewer. Yesterday's Star details the latest budget woes in KCMO to include the likelihood rates will go up $10 every two months for KC residents. Customers like WL will go up more. What can we do? Dig deeper. (Speaking of poop, you recall last year when Jabba took a dump in our lake, 30,000 gallons worth, but that's OK, Jabba said "Sorry")
KCMO issues the permits for the Peret dam project. Ask the WLIC board, Jabba has consistently been a thorn in the process.
KCMO, of course, is in charge of the Barry Road fiasco. Ask Pine Ridge church goers how the road is going on their end of Barry, times that by a multiplier to see what we face when Jabba moves closer to us.
KCMO will be our ambulance service provider, or so it seems. Jabba is going to kidnap MAST. Are you a bit concerned as you observe Funk and the crew take on EMT services? Your life may depend on it.
KCMO is the driving force for regional mass transit, scary huh? Jabba has had his hands? full with Hans Chastain and voters. Outcome, you make the call.
So, who is going to step up and be our heroes/heroines in the fight against Jabba? Where is Luke, Leia, Hans, R2D2, Chewbaca and Yoda? One thing for sure, Jabba isn't intimidated by letters or supplications...he just sneers. While we are self absorbed in designing entrance monuments our little piece of paradise looks more inviting to Jabba. Easy pickings.
The Force Be With You.
Friday, March 27, 2009
The Beech Isn't Closed, Yet...
Not Going to the Beech
Good news, less than 700 days to the new Barry Road.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Exit for 2 Entrance Firms
By the way, the next BOA meeting is moved to the 2nd Tuesday of April (April 14).
The drama continues regarding MAST/KCMO/South Platte Ambulance District. Seems as though it is a done deal, just a matter of ironing out the details of the takeover by KCMO. Another example of how dependent we are becoming on our "big brother".
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Barry Road Soil Relocation Project
Pic taken 3/24 after early morning rains @ Barry and Potomac. You may not be able to see it, but silt fences were down. They were down two weeks ago and not repaired. Same story at all the other "piles o' dirt" up and down Barry. The 20' pile on Amity spills onto the road as well as the creek behind the "bean field".
Next stop for the sludge? Hey, it's only the health of our water quality, way of life, dredge fund, property value thing.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
De Surma
And They're Off!

Monday, March 23, 2009
For the Good of Mankind
201 students will recognize sign placement (or not) as crucial. Some of the usual suspects in sign placement, the good news is putting a sign in the yard this year won't step on toes of friends and neighbors because no one else is running. Carol obviously feels if one is good, two is better as her yard proudly displays two Hoy signs. Top that? Class dismissed.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Spring has Sprung
So class is now in session for Signtology 101 & 201. Welcome to newbies enrolled in 101 and veterans of the political wars to 201. This could be a rather boring session, but one never knows. I have yet to patrol the East side for signs, but they are sure to come.
Friday, March 20, 2009
None, Zero, Zip, Nada
Now in all fairness, Mary might use her relative who is a City Attorney in Kansas. But then again, we're not in Kansas (anymore) Toto. Another example of the do it yourself government WL has adopted.
Word Association
Stevenson received campaign money from the Bos campaign,
Bos is the current mayor and Pat White, sister of Stevenson, is the current alderman on the East side,
Bossert will succeed her and of course, Folkedahl is his campaign manager.
Class dismissed.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
D&C, Part II
we need help with ideas on how to let people know he is running and help in doing that. I realize this is not something the folks on the West Side can help us a whole lot but would appreciate your input."
Hoy:"We do need to be careful with a quorum of Aldermen present..with Vic, Pat,Tanya and me ...and Jerry, I think maybe I shouldn't come or come later after the others leave ?????"
White"I could back out as well but would be willing to share any ideas you may want per email Dave. I believe the way the Sunshine Law is written, a quorum would constitute 3 or more aldermen and the mayor, so in addition to Mary, one more needs to stay home. Tony can attend if he can help in any way. We have sign stakes that Ed is welcome to use. Additionally, I would also offer any assistance to Ed I can provide."
Folkedahl"...I think it would look bad to have the mayor and current alderman help with Ed's campaign."
One email you won't see is one I sent to Jerry in his first week of office. I gave him two pieces of advice. I recommended Jerry and Vic attend the Newly Elected Officials Conference sponsored by the Missouri Municipal League. I also recommended a Sunshine Law update be given by to City Attorney to the incoming Mayor, BOA, and all appointed boards and commissions. So much for free advice. Jerry and Vic did not attend and no Sunshine update has been given, despite the fact that a host of citizens have been appointed to new committees (Audit, Airport, Entrance, MS4). Ok, so none of these people are bad folks, they just make mistakes because they didn't know or understand Sunshine. No problem, right? Ask City Attorney John. I think he would tell you ignorance of Sunshine, gives you no safe harbor. I'm on one Board and one Commission. Is it a problem? Yes. Is anything being done about it? No.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Duck and Cover
Speaking of excitement, the upcoming City elections will be about as boring as they can be, certainly far different than a year ago. Mary headed to her 2nd term on the West side by default, and Ed Bossert the only declared write-in candidate on the East side to take Ms White's seat. Unless a dark horse candidate emerges, Mr Bossert is in. He is the favorite of most of the current BOA members. How would I know?
Ah, the wonders of the internet. Seems there is a series of emails bouncing about concerning a get together for Mr Bossert hosted by his campaign manager, Dave Folkedahl on the 20th of February. In an email addressed to a number of people including the current Board of Aldermen members and the Mayor, Dave muses, "Nobody has registered as an official candidate so it should no be too difficult to get Ed elected" True enough. Mary and Pat respond to Dave pondering how to maneuver around the "Sunshine Law". No biggie, right? Oops, unless you live in a cave the former Gov. Blunt ran into serious issues regarding email and Sunshine, which was just resolved.
Makes one wonder, what else goes on behind our backs, discussion of votes, other City business? No safe harbor using personal email. Let's hope Ed finds mentors who care for propriety beyond appearance.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Barry Road Update-Platte County
Scope of Work:
Platte County is working with the City of Kansas City Missouri to design and construct Barry Road from Potomac to Chariton based on an ultimate three lane road with bike lanes but only build a 28 foot wide portion of the roadway with two 14 foot lanes. This improvement will still provide 2 travel lanes, curbs, storm sewers, sidewalks, streetlights and vertical safety improvements. These improvements should work with the existing budget.
In the future when traffic demands increase and funds are identified for construction the remaining portion of the three lane roadway may be completed by the city of Kansas City.
SKW (Shafer, Kline, and Warren) has requested, prior to issuance of final drawings that PCPW verify all Right of Way and Easements are acceptable to the property owners. If any changes are necessary, they will make amendments and then issue the final drawings. PCPW has agreed to this request.
Property Acquisition:
PAR Electrical (Acting R/W Agent for PCPW) has contacted all of the property owners with regards to R/W and easement acquisition. Twelve out of the thirty property owners have signed the Temporary Easement and/or Right-of-Way Deeds that affect their property. PCPW is currently negotiating with the balance of the owners and lien holders to obtain their signatures. Condemnation procedures have been implemented as required.
Utility Relocation:
All utilities along the road that will conflict with the improvement will need to be relocated. Platte County is coordinating with the utilities to address any conflicts. The utility relocation schedule is contingent upon the individual utility companies schedule and coordination of relocation activities in the Barry Road improvement phases occurring to the east of this project. All relocations not done prior to the start of this project will begin Summer 2009 in coordination with construction.
Platte County will continue holding coordination meetings with all the utility companies, Kansas City and the design engineer (SKW).
Phone, electric, and cable TV utilities are currently working to relocate their lines prior
to construction beginning.
Platte County’s goal is to bid the project in early 2009, pending successful design, property acquisition and utility relocations.
Construction will occur after property acquisition, utility relocation and bidding is complete. Currently anticipate starting Phase I Construction Summer 2009.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
In Case You Missed It
- Average trash produced per person 4.6 pounds daily
- 254 million tons of household trash produced in 2007
- More than half ends up in landfills
- 33% of the total was paper/paperboard (WL recycles)
- 12% plastics (WL recycles)
- 8% metal (WL recycles)
- There are only 1,800 landfills in the US, EPA projects they will be full in 20 years
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Seeping Sewers
The agenda includes two items:
1. Resolution opposing the proposed merger of the Kansas City Fire Dept and MAST ambulance service.
2. Cooperative agreement with KCMO
As you know KCMO faces fierce budget issues. They are turning over rocks everywhere to save money...(Pardon the Interruption...hey mayor and BOA are you watching? Are we being as frugal as we could be? We have major needs in the future with little ability to pay). One area being looked at is the takeover of emergency and transport services by KCMO Fire Department. The Fire Chief openly covets the opportunity and Funkhouser has made some fairly outrageous claims on projected improvement in response times if KCMO takes over. Merger? Nope. Take over. Yep. How does this affect us? Let me count the ways.
Short history lesson. The drive for a Southern Platte Ambulance District had been brewing for some time. It picked up momentum when then Parkville Mayor Kathy Dusenberry energized the effort. She enlisted the support of members of the Northland Mayors Council, gaining an "all in commitment" from then WL Mayor Mike Henderson. Mike forgot to discuss his commitment with the WL BOA and got a boost from his pal Paul Gross in circulating petitions for the formation of the district. Paul was also a participant in the discussions at the Mayors Council (I was there), Platte County Commissioners meeting (I was there) and formation meetings of the District itself (I was there). You might also remember Presiding Commissioner Betty Knight and Platte County Sherriff Dick Anderson openly supported the District formation at a forum held at our own CC (I was there). I am sure you remember the ballot issue forming the District was overwhelmingly defeated at the polls at WL and Henderson lost his reelection, in part I believe, to the shenanigans regarding the District. Despite thumbs down here, the initiative passed due to the nature of the vote in the rest of the proposed district. Our own WLFire Protection District was disbanded and the new District chose MAST as the provider. Got all of that? Oh yeah, our taxes went up...but response times did not improve.
I feel certain MAST doesn't like the prospect of losing the KCMO business. Apparently our Ambulance District rep Ron Wheeler met yesterday with City officials to ask for support in opposing the take over, thus the resolution above. What led to the decision to oppose the takeover? Mary doesn't say. Have we explored all options? Don't know. Are we reacting on MAST's behalf or our best interests or are they the same?
The current scenario and sequence of 911 response in WL is typically, WL Police first, Platte County Fire second and MAST third. There usually isn't a big lag time between the three, although my guess West Side response times for MAST are slower because of the Barry Road Bridge. MAST serves as the transport equipment if a patient needs to be taken to the hospital.
My hope is all options are explored thoroughly, before a knee jerk reaction causes another misfire. Attend the meeting this coming Monday night at 6PM, ask questions. If you can't pick up the phone or email your alderman. If they are against the takeover, as it appears, ask them to explain why. More Blarney on the eve of St Pats?
Thursday, March 12, 2009
WLIC v Et Al
Friday the 13th
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Arresting News
3-3 Meeting
Chief Gary presented his monthly report including the following:
Someone had asked about the reported number of hours worked by officers in the department, the number, 1053 goes well beyond the 24-7 coverage we have at WL. Gary's explanation was, in addition to patrol 24-7 his hours are added in (187), full time officers off for sick/training/training/ vacation require part time coverage in addition to paying salary for the full time officers and finally all officers are paid for the 3hours monthly court and staff meeting. He has you covered.
The marked Police car was involved in a minor accident during the last snow storm, apparently a pole jumped out in front of the vehicle. Damage=$2,500, we have $5,000 deductible...so it is on your nickle in a manner of speaking. Deputy Chief O'Neill was the driver at the time. The pole did not receive a citation, but Gary said O'Neil was "beating himself up" over the incident. Somebody ought to call the police?
Stormspotter school will be held @ Park Hill South on April 1, call Gary for details
Robert Yates was added as a part time officer. Former FBI agent and Clay County undersheriff, he is the second addition from Clay County, Paul Vescovo, former Clay County Sherriff was recently added as well, guess WL is a good place to be.
Mutual aid agreement with Riverside was ratified by the BOA. A bit odd. When asked about the pact, Gary said "Riverside initiated it". I guess a drunken brawl might break out at the Argosy. When asked why they would respond to a WL call, Gary cited all the other jurisdictions that would have first dibs, and if they didn't, Riverside to the rescue. If you see a Riverside patrol car in WL know something is very wrong in the area, especially because Daylight Donuts is no longer in operation (still hoping they would come back in the Joe To Go spot.)
Just the facts mam.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Happy Anniversary
Quite a few things have happened in our community over the past year, the election last April, Barry Road and all of the things in between. Virtually never a dull moment, the City and WLIC provide plenty of topics to blog. And so it goes, where (and when) it stops, nobody knows!
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
3-3 Meeting
More Odds N Ends
The Park Board is hosting a "Music in the Park" series this summer at Cristhaven Park. Four Friday nights, 7-9PM.
12 June Jazz
17 July Country Western
14 August Cajun
11 September Celtic
Rain dates will be the following Friday if necessary. The BOA passed a resolution of commendation to the Park Board and in particular Gene Roberts who shepherded the idea along.
Speaking of Park Board, a couple of previous posts questioned the relationship of the Park Board to the City and BOA. Members of the Park Board are nominated by the Mayor and confirmed by the BOA. The Park Board is funded by a separate tax levy which is controlled by the Park Board. The Park Board was established by Missouri state statute, making it an independent board. The City/BOA may not have access, instruct or interfere with the use of the funds of the Board. It is not like the boards and commissions that are appointed and confirmed by the Mayor/BOA. Administrations come and go, many of the Park Board members have been on the Board long before any of the current Mayor or BOA thought about serving the City. Some people think, some people beat their gums, others do. My congratulations to the Park Board for what they do, volunteer to keep some of the finest green space in the Northland in excellent shape. Don't you agree?
Monday, March 9, 2009
Odds N Ends
3-3 Meeting
A City Wide Cleanup will be held on May 2nd. This is literally cleaning up the City public areas and right of way. Later in the spring (TBA) a yard cleanup event will be scheduled with dumpters for yard waste at the usual places.
The BOA passed a resolution authorizing itself to blow up $15,000 in no less than 30 minutes...I mean the 4th of July fireworks display. A tad bit more than last year, Alderman Finn advanced the idea of having music coordinated with the Booms and Aahhs. Not the FM variety, but music broadcast with projected sound.
Vic once again whined about a member of the Park Board not appearing before the BOA to explain their budget. He is concerned about the 09 budget while saying he "doesn't believe there is anything wrong. Vic's attention span must be short, after a Special Board meeting two months ago he was approached by the VP of the PB regarding his questions. He said he would call her the next day. He didn't. Jerry said he would call PB President Marvin, two months ago, up to a week ago, he hadn't. Guess Vic has had his phone service cut off, I know Marvin and Lisa have not. Pompous? You bet.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
16 Tons and Whadda You Get?
3-3 Meeting
Another day older and deeper in debt. Ok, so if you know who Tennessee Ernie Ford is I can guess your age.
Alderman Finn, WL official Trash Lady (not to be confused with Trashy Lady) reported to the BOA the weigh in results for December and January of the comingled dumpsters (plastic, cans, cardboard). 2.2 tons in December, 2.5 tons in January. Stuff that would have gone to the land fill, wow. My guess for 2009 will be over 30 tons, that is conservative. Imagine if more folks get on board.
Apparently there was a rumor the NKC recycling center @ Metro was closed. Not true. I believe KC did close one down, not up here. There is a concern about the NKC spot because of falling recycling values and the KCMO budget crisis. Quite a few WLeans take items we do not accept in our receptacles, like glass to Metro. Alderman Finn would like to do a monthly glass drop (should I rephrase that?) in the City...what do you think? If you have ideas or want to help, give her a call.
Got Mud?
Not so healthy is the color of the water in our cove, chocolate. Haven't had time to survey the lake but I imagine similar results around the horn. Stream Team on the job? Hope so. Some of the silt fences along Barry Road had been beaten down before this latest downpour (where there are silt fences, just as many spots where there are none).
Rain gauge reads anyone?
Saturday, March 7, 2009
T Minus 715 and Counting, I Think
3-3 Meeting
Back to the task.
Jerry and George went to a KCMO Preconstruction Meeting for Barry Road on the 26th of Feb. The contractor was officially awarded the contract for the Conant to Potomac portion of the project with a completion date of no later than 715 days. The contractor may ask (but may not receive) a 30 day extension to secure materials. Looking on the bright side you can be assured we will be rolling down the new Barry Road on or before 11 February...2011. If you have forgotten the Barry Road Bridge was closed on August 15th, 2008. You might also recall Jerry and Funkhouser presided over a press conference at the closed BRB (covered by local TV and print media) at which time the Funk saw no reason why we couldn't construct a piddly (my word) bridge in a year when Minneapolis was able to reconstruct their bridge in less than a year. Hmm, I'm thinking we're going to miss that target by a bit. Ya think?
Mary reported in her unofficial minutes "KCPL has not completed their work west of the bridge". Guess she doesn't spend much time on the north end of the ward or listen to Jerry's update. Actually if you look you will see the power poles and lines have been relocated. What has not been moved yet is gas, ATT, TW cable and water. Small problem in that the contractor for the road could not start at Potomac if he wanted because the utilities have not be relocated...and they are coming from the east (I know you know that because you can see some of the activity at East Side and Amity). (We're also facing a decision to upgrade an 8" water line to a 12" line at the cost of at least $40,000)(Keep that in mind when we talk water rates).
The BOA did approve a Maintenance agreement with KCMO. Among other things this allows WL to remove snow from what will be technically be a KCMO street. (There is going to be a service road to accommodate WL residents between the BRB and NW Hillside Drive) Lucky for them, they won't have to rely on KCMO for snow removal.
The BOA did not approve the Cooperative agreement with KCMO for the project. There was concern over the details of the water supply issues with the three KCMO residences across the street from the tennis courts. KCMO asked us to approve with the appropriations for the project pending. City Attorney didn't like the "pending" part (neither do I) and the council deferred. As a result, the $50,000 compensation for entrance monuments is on hold.
Detail, details, right? A year ago at the candidates forum when questioned about Barry Road, Jerry cited his experience with KCMO as part of the Pine Ridge Presby group negotiating the construction of Barry and and their get tough stance with the City. Oops, guess that isn't working out too well. We make the trek to Park Hill High and Congress almost daily, still kind of a mess, huh?
Are you still with me? The point of all this is, where is the passion on the part of our City officials? Jerry's public demeanor about Barry Road is "oh, well that's KCMO". The West ward aldermen, Vic and Mary make no comment at all. Outrage, nah. Resignation, yeah. Their interests are aimed at the more mundane, Rain Gardens, Fireworks, Entrance Committees, Concerts in the Park, you know, important stuff.
When the spring rains hit, so will the runoff, silt, mud, and debris from the Barry Road project, all the way from the High School to Amity. Just watch. Will Weatherby Lake roar? You bet!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Late Breaking WLIC News
08AE-CV02550 Weatherby Lake Improve Co V Brian Stevenson ET AL
One For The Road
3-3 Meeting
Jerry unveiled his "Five Year Road Plan" for the City, guess he should have named it the Six Year Road Plan because it took one year to plan. After taking the year off to await the final, the BOA approved the plan with the RFP going out shortly.
The 2009 proposed paving plan:
- Davis Court
- Pleasant Ford
- Venita South
- Wayland Circle
- Whipple Lane
- 73rd Street
- 74th Street
- 76th Street
- City Hall Lot
- Selected Patching
- Projected Cost=$350,000
- McDonald
- Quincy Court
- Roberts North
- Weatherby Drive
- 72nd Street
- 72nd Terr
- 78th St
- Selected Patching
- Projected Cost=$263,000
George is going to monitor the Parkville Special Road District and their bids to insure we are getting the best deal on our bids. Pray the price of asphalt stays low, we need all the help we can get.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Sonoma Ridge, We Hardly Knew Ye
3-3 meeting
Luckily I followed my intuition and showed up last night rather than the previous night as directed by Mary. With my loading dose of No Doz in my blood stream I attended last night's 2.5 hour BOA monthly meeting. Interesting in what was said...and not said. Here we go:
West Ridge of Weatherby Lake
Say adios to Sonoma, and hello to West Ridge. The new developers (unnamed by Jerry) are closing this Friday to take possession of the property. Promises abound. A new company will be brought in to finish the redo of the containment pond walls (should be good news for all who have had anxiety over the lack of response). The developer plans to build 6 to 8 homes by Fall to be ready for the metro Tour of Homes. Jerry mentioned he had heard rumors of $150,000 homes, he said the developer intends to build/sell homes in the $350,000 to $500,000 range (remember the previous developer was talking well over $100,000 for a lot).
No discussion of multi-family dwellings, this will surely add fuel to one citizens angst over the lack of minorities and lower income families in WL.
Jerry mentioned the developer would like to have a gathering in the spring to allow the community to get to know them. Not a bad idea, in this economy they will need all the help they can get.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Tonight's Agenda-BOA
Houston Lake
Just down the road from us, population 284, established in 1934. Houston Lake has an association just like WL that owns the lake, the city owns the rest. A small lake, it only measures 20 acres. They have 1st, 2nd and 3rd tier homes. There are homes for sale currently, no building lots available. Their City Hall is open on Thursday from 10AM to 3PM. Current City project, a Community Garden. I talked with their City Clerk, Marsha Duncan. Nice lady, very proud of their city.
Monday, March 2, 2009
"Regualr march BOA Meeting March 2"
WL, Love It or Leave It
North Kansas City (or is it Kansas City North?)
Demographics: Nice distribution of socio-economic levels, poor to rich as well as racial variety. Many multi-family dwellings, as well as single family homes. No discrimination here.
Lake Living: None, but it is smack dab on the Mighty MO. Use of pontoon might be a possibility, but one would have to lose the 9.9 and upgrade motor to a 150.
Political Environment: Tied to the hip with KCMO, but what the heck, the Funk could use another critic. Lots of opps for meddling, City government, Police Department, School Board, Board for City owned Hospital(they supported the Ambulance District with $) and more. A Goldmine.
Misc: A first class St Patty Parade, probably the best in the metro (families for sure), a big upgrade from WL. The Boat. Harrah's offers the same opportunities as Platte County Court, you pays your money, you takes your chances. Odds are about the same...slim. I would think it would be comforting. Clay County. An automatic change of venue, new start...stealth.
You might have other insights regarding NKC...please feel free.
Next Up, Houston Lake
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Navigating Wildwood is bad enough, can't imagine waiting for an ambulance to wend through Wildwood before arriving. Hope it wasn't life or death. Hope we don't need one in the next year or more.
Litigation Lake