Thursday, March 19, 2009

D&C, Part II

Folkedahl: "To those of you who I talked at Saturday night's Yacht Club dinner...
we need help with ideas on how to let people know he is running and help in doing that. I realize this is not something the folks on the West Side can help us a whole lot but would appreciate your input."

Hoy:"We do need to be careful with a quorum of Aldermen present..with Vic, Pat,Tanya and me ...and Jerry, I think maybe I shouldn't come or come later after the others leave ?????"

White"I could back out as well but would be willing to share any ideas you may want per email Dave. I believe the way the Sunshine Law is written, a quorum would constitute 3 or more aldermen and the mayor, so in addition to Mary, one more needs to stay home. Tony can attend if he can help in any way. We have sign stakes that Ed is welcome to use. Additionally, I would also offer any assistance to Ed I can provide."

Folkedahl"...I think it would look bad to have the mayor and current alderman help with Ed's campaign."

One email you won't see is one I sent to Jerry in his first week of office. I gave him two pieces of advice. I recommended Jerry and Vic attend the Newly Elected Officials Conference sponsored by the Missouri Municipal League. I also recommended a Sunshine Law update be given by to City Attorney to the incoming Mayor, BOA, and all appointed boards and commissions. So much for free advice. Jerry and Vic did not attend and no Sunshine update has been given, despite the fact that a host of citizens have been appointed to new committees (Audit, Airport, Entrance, MS4). Ok, so none of these people are bad folks, they just make mistakes because they didn't know or understand Sunshine. No problem, right? Ask City Attorney John. I think he would tell you ignorance of Sunshine, gives you no safe harbor. I'm on one Board and one Commission. Is it a problem? Yes. Is anything being done about it? No.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thought the "gang" was finally on the demise with Pat White leaving. No such luck.