Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Duck and Cover

Hope you had a safe St Patricks Day, I'm on special assignment in UT far from the drunken crowds in Westport, more excitement than I can handle.

Speaking of excitement, the upcoming City elections will be about as boring as they can be, certainly far different than a year ago. Mary headed to her 2nd term on the West side by default, and Ed Bossert the only declared write-in candidate on the East side to take Ms White's seat. Unless a dark horse candidate emerges, Mr Bossert is in. He is the favorite of most of the current BOA members. How would I know?

Ah, the wonders of the internet. Seems there is a series of emails bouncing about concerning a get together for Mr Bossert hosted by his campaign manager, Dave Folkedahl on the 20th of February. In an email addressed to a number of people including the current Board of Aldermen members and the Mayor, Dave muses, "Nobody has registered as an official candidate so it should no be too difficult to get Ed elected" True enough. Mary and Pat respond to Dave pondering how to maneuver around the "Sunshine Law". No biggie, right? Oops, unless you live in a cave the former Gov. Blunt ran into serious issues regarding email and Sunshine, which was just resolved.

Makes one wonder, what else goes on behind our backs, discussion of votes, other City business? No safe harbor using personal email. Let's hope Ed finds mentors who care for propriety beyond appearance.


Anonymous said...

This is yet more of Mo Rats diatribe, innuendo and downright mis-information. Mike, if you look at the whole series of emails (presumably obtained from your "Scandinavian Mole"), you will see that there was no mention of approval or disapproval by the BOA for Ed Bossert - what there was was an invitation to a meeting. There was no "pondering on how to maneuver around the Sunshine Law". In fact, as I read the email strings, the BOA members decided not to participate in the meeting specifically because of the Sunshine Law, and my information is that no BOA members were in attendance for any Ed Bossert campaign meeting.

Maybe you should publish a retraction or else support your views with actual facts. Too much to ask? Probably.

Anonymous said...

I have not heard any lies about the current candidates - Pat Medill must approve.