Pic taken 3/24 after early morning rains @ Barry and Potomac. You may not be able to see it, but silt fences were down. They were down two weeks ago and not repaired. Same story at all the other "piles o' dirt" up and down Barry. The 20' pile on Amity spills onto the road as well as the creek behind the "bean field".
Next stop for the sludge? Hey, it's only the health of our water quality, way of life, dredge fund, property value thing.
The good news is that we won't see this dirt again. Of course, it's because we can't see through the muck to the bottom of the lake. So plan to pay, at our lake's expense, for KC's relocation project.
Where is the WLIC when we need them??????????????
Tea Kup,
Rude and uncalled for if you knew the kind of time and effort put in by the WLIC Board. You may also benefit by understanding the issues involved. That being said, KC should have their feet held to the fire on doing what they're supposed to do, but go to the next Board meeting and get a handle on what's going on.
Tea Kup:
Since when is it Mike's job?
To Anonymouses (mices?) of 9:07 & 10:02. Mike Moratz continually stirs the pot of issues around the lake, both city and WLIC. He is long on innuendo and critisism yet woefully short of action. And, yes - I attend as many meetings, both City and WLIC, as I am able to. See y'all at the next one?
Hopefully you're on the stream team. We all need strong support on that and every other committee.
Instead of the irony in mudslinging Joe, support is needed with neighbor thanking neighbor for time and talent given to the community.
Shame on you Tea Cup, whoever you are. Just because you personally aren't aware of anything being done doesn't mean NOTHING is being done. Instead of sitting home in the comfort of your own home, have YOU volunteered? Have you called or dropped by the WLIC office and inquired? Or would you rather sit home and sling mud? What a disgrace you are to our community.
I think it's obvious tea cup hasn't done any volunteer work otherwise they would not be so awful. The WLIC board is a committed group of people who volunteer a large portion of their life to our lake and lake issues. Show some gratitude.
Just the same, show some gratitude to your city council. They also give a lot of their personal time and effort to this community in a thankless position.
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