Saturday, May 2, 2009

Doing the Math

May issue of WLL has Mayor Bos comments regarding the "Entrance Advisory Group (EAG)". The City is supposed to receive $50,000 from KCMO (check is in the mail). Funds donated to date amount to $5,000. Grand total $55,000. $15, 200 has been spent for design, leaving $39,800 in the kitty. The rest is on the shoulders of you and me.

The road Bond money will be depleted after this round of overlays as Jerry mentions. A smart move to spend now because of the abnormally low asphalt prices. Problem is the ten year plan as outlined by Jerry and Vic will be largely unfunded after this. We will receive some monies from Platte County, but clearly not enough. Where will the money come from? You and me.

The water main relocation part of Barry road will cost us a net of $10,000. Texturing the walls, $7,500. In the budget? Ask your alderman.


Anonymous said...

How about the fact that the sewer rate went up yet again. Oh boy they finally took off the $5 fee they have been overcharging us for over a year. A year after that is the fact that they weren't going to be using the money for new meters. How about the fact that we pay over 3 to 4 times that for our water bills than ANYONE else around. Yet they all have water. We should not be paying SUCH a high amount for a basic necessity of life. Every month we all pay our bills. If infact ALL of that money was spent to KC for the water that would be one thing. However it is NOT all paid to KC there is a large surplus of money each month..
Just my 2 cents worth

Anonymous said...

I believe water is a pass through amount. We buy from KC, then it's divided between residents. The sewer system is what generates the bulk of our fees. The surplus is there to maintain our sewer infrastructure.