Sunday, May 31, 2009


Sign at a friend's outdoor pool..."Please notice there is no P in our ool, Please help us keep it that way, Thank You."

KC Star May 23
What's really in that pool? New national survey finds 17% of American adults actually admit they pee in the pool. 8 in 10 adults are convinced other swimmers are convinced that other swimmers are doing it, even if they don't own up to it themselves.

Which leads me to the thought, how many people pee in the lake? Observe the casual swimmer at C Point, why would they interrupt their ritual of sun bathing for a brief interlude in the lake? Pee. Based on comments at a recent WLIC meeting on the condition of the rest rooms, especially the Women's facility, it might warrant relief in our fine body of water. Me I'm one of the 8 who think everybody else is doing it, and of course, I would never consider doing it myself...eeeuuuu! Don't think it is against WLIC rules, especially if you are in the stealth mode. I have observed both men and women spraying off the stern...not cool. So etiquette should rule, all swimmers, should report to the leeward end of the swim area to take care of biz and return to normal activities. That is all, you are now free to roam the lake.

For further instructions, view this link:


Anonymous said...

If you have ever Pee Doff then know files are being compiled ,concerned neighbors are meeting ,new and strange alliances are being formed , half truths are being created and petitions being circulated .

The Platte County and Parkville Luminary are being prepped for a damaging inside story and we will soon be in court as somewhere along the way we certainly have violated someone’s civil rights.

Anonymous said...

Zona Rosa developer notice your "ation" pond is missing something.

Whats missing is in our lake