Tuesday, May 5, 2009


I was traveling so I missed the Special WLIC Board meeting regarding the Costello issue last week, too bad, I hear it was a doozy. Among other things, Paparazzi Paul appeared with camera in hand to capture the action for his digital library. Missing in action was his mentor Ed. You might recall Ed was on a roll in the not too recent past with his camera at WLIC proceedings as well as an occasional BOA. Wonder where all those pics went? Maybe he gave them to Marge for the archives. In any event, heat was felt from many quarters, including an inference of racial discrimination which seems to be heavy on Paul's mind here at the lake...kind of like the NAACP/ACLU all rolled in to one. Thank God we have someone to protect us from ourselves. Apparently the evening ended in a stalemate, one of those have your lawyer call my lawyer moments. The dispute is supposed to be resolved by the next WLIC board meeting or suspension of Mr Costello's lake privileges will be invoked. Those who live next to access areas around the lake are watching with keen interest, the rumor of a run on Stihl chain saws by certain residents cannot be verified. My guess is cooler heads will prevail.

If that wasn't fun enough, your BOA meets again tonight for the monthly meeting. Your opportunity to see your City government in action. Here's the agenda as posted:
Oops, none posted as of this morning, I'll update if possible.


Anonymous said...

Paul Gross has once again created a side show for his own purpose attacking and involving innocent people. It's reprehensible and nausiating. And to have Mr. Costello hire a lawyer to blame others for his actions is also frustrating and ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have video of Paul speeding thru no wake zones?

For someone who reads between every line of every rule he must have found some justification to ignore that rule too.

Anonymous said...

Gross makes problems for him to solve for the rest of us.

Rules are for him to interpret against anyone who gets in his way, not for him.

As bad a people as he makes us out to be, you'd think he and Donna would just move away.

Anonymous said...

What was the subject of his picture-taking? What was so interesting to him?

Anonymous said...

You'll have to ask Paul what he wants to use the photos/video for. He's picking up where Ed left off.

Anonymous said...

Ed who? Heard this name dropped before in relation to P. G. Didn't know there was a cohort. If you don't want to disclose, a last name initial would help.

Anonymous said...

His initials are Ed Kendrick.

Anonymous said...

Take a look at A cove ( off Wipple lane). It use to be a forest. One old timer has pictures to prove it. A resident there has encroached on the property (okayed by the WLIC after the fact), subtly removed trees over the last ten years creating a siltation nightmare and created a mud-slide pathway to his property. Understand it is a sludge and mud watershed during a rain storm. Why is the WLIC only targeting the Costellos?

Anonymous said...

Isn't the "resident" in question on the WLIC stream team.

Anonymous said...

I wish I had taken video of Gross speeding thru no wake zones. I saw it too. He was probably trying to get away quick before he thot anyone saw him take pictures of the Costello property. No telling what he is up to, exoept you can be sure it is no good. It will be a happy day in our community when he ever moves away.

Anonymous said...

It's simple. If you cut down a tree on someone else's property, you are liable for damages. Cutting off his lake privaleges is not sufficient, he must be forced to pay damages. This racial stuff is just BS.

Anonymous said...

Paul Gross had a neighbor ticketed for trespassing for walking across his property. Imagine what he would do if someone came on to his property and cut down his trees for a better view.

Do you think he'd back off if he was accused of the despicable accusations he helped craft at the last Board Meeting? I don't think so.

He and Donna need to leave.

Anonymous said...

too bad we can circulate a petition to make them leave. I am confident all but a few individuals would sign it.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what is driving Paul Gross or Ed Kendrick. There must be a deep rooted reason?

Anonymous said...

Some of the video "Fishing Vest Eddy " took are in the Holocast Museum.

Its not Urban Legend believe me that it is true .Ed Edd and Eddy (all three of his personalities)really did stand up at a WLIC meeting and incoherently compared what "the WLIC doing was trying to do to Paul Gross the same as what the Nazis did to the Jews".

This is no joke . Its too bad some one didnt get that on video .

He did blame his nervous rambling on high blood pressure but it may have been an indication that other medication was also in order.

What is the Frequency? Who really was behind 9 11 Eddy? Can you give us that web site again?

Anonymous said...

Paul seems to have some deep seated hatreds for some reason. I've been told that where he lived previously was glad to get rid of him. This is a great place to live, but he is a cancer that has cost us all thousands of dollars in needless lawsuits, aligned himself with people outside the lake, and turned off many volunteers who don't want to be his next target.

Anonymous said...

There is a small silent minority supporting Paul Gross. I believe this is part of what sustains him. We all know there is a faction at the lake which likes to hide in the shadows blasting one individual or another. The only difference, Paul Gross isn't hiding.

Anonymous said...

those supporters need to wake up and realize that gross is only interested in his own personal gain and will use anyone to obtain it. and if he can destroy this community in the process, he'd be that much happier. I really dont get how anyone can still support him after this latest false attack of racism. its disgusting and inexcusable.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:37am:
Who is this small silent minority that supports Paul while attacking others? Please list them so we all know who they are.

Anonymous said...

Answer to 3:00pm. Sometime ago my neighbor (who I'm not going to name) asked if we would like to donate to Paul Gross' legal costs. In that conversation it emerged there was more than my neighbor supporting Paul Gross. How many or who else? Have no idea. But I don't think Paul Gross is a lone ranger in this.

Anonymous said...

You mean the people who gave Gross financial support to pay for his lawyers to sue us?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like we need to get a mole in his camp and sabotage!

Anonymous said...

I can only imagine that those who support him are ignorant to what Paul is really up to and don't have a clue to the implications of his actions. They should involve themselves and see the damage.

Or, they're idiots and like feeding the pit bull thinking they won't get bit.

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone give him money to pay for legal costs only to pay again to defend themselves? What do they think they're accomplishing?

Anonymous said...

From 4:16 - idiot or not I think Paul Gross truly believes he is doing the right thing. Who knows, maybe he thinks he's saving the people of WL from themselves. Possibly someone out there who knows him (or Paul Gross himself) can explain his motives and reasoning.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you support him and can explain. Would like to hear it especially if you're aware of specifics that he's done to people here and the community at large.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't know Paul Gross if he passed me in the street. Here's the thing - many are angry because he's costing all of WL money but that seems to be the only thing people can specifically nail him for. There's lots of "he's an idiot" and "worse neighbor on earth". Haven't seen any blog here specifically challenging him on his line of reasoning or the points he's trying to make or defend. I think the racial thing is far fetched but 12:28 pm says WLIC property encroachment is going on in other areas unopposed. So is it just about the cost which is really irking people?

Anonymous said...

I don't think there is enough space on this blog to site all the incidents. Shall we discuss when gross got himself on all the WLIC committees then bombarded each with unbelieveable nonsense in the way of emails and letters that each effectly came to a stand still because they spent all their time addressing gross's stupid allegations. Keep in mind, these are volunteers. Or how about the threatening post cards he sent to people who challenged him? Or how about all the threats of suing members who didn't agree with him. What about going behind everyone's back and trying to get Zona Rosa to back out of giving us the $250,000 they owed? See the WLIC for all pertinent copies of emails and documents to proove this. What about pressing charges against a neighbor who walked on his property. There are more incidents. And now this discrimination bull. Its really the sraw. gross was on the committee years ago that got our fees structured the way they are. Now he intervenes in every court case arguing that the very method he helped develop is discriminatory and unfair. Huh??? I think gross has proved over time that he will argue and sue and intervene in everything no matter what. He has made comments that he wants to destroy this communty. I think that is his main objective. So go to the WLIC office and ask to see copies of documents that proove what a monster gross is. They will be happy to share.

Anonymous said...

Lets also not forget how he tried to get dock spaces permanently assigned to second tier homes and really had a following on that because he fooled people into thinking he was looking out for them. Until he admitted in public meeting that he personally stood to benefit because his dock is right outside his home and a realtor told him it would appraise at$50,000 more if he could permanenetly keep the dock space with his house. I think people saw the light then. But he usually has alterior motives when he does stuff. Its usually to his benefit and detriment to everyone else.

Anonymous said...

To Anon 1:08: how many examples would you like? And don't forget,it aint just legal fees Paul Gross is costing us. We also now pay 80 grand for the same ambulance service we used to pay about 5 grand for. Gross's motivation? He hoped to be appointed to their board. He wasn't. But you and I will still pay for it.

Anonymous said...

Paul never came to a WLIC meeting until he came out of no where and started getting in the middle of the effort to get Zona Rosa to respect our rights and our property.

Right after his heroic effort to undermine the WLIC he ran for Tax Assessor

Anonymous said...

I am no fan of Paul Gross but one of the allegations is inapropriately noted. The person who was charged for walking on his property had been asked by Mr. Gross on several occasions NOT to walk on his property...the person admits this, as I understand it, but decided to do it anyway. At court night the person decided to plead "no contest" and nothing other than possibly a small court fee was charged.
That is my understanding. Again, I am NOT a Paul Gross fan...just wnated to make sure that fact was accurately represented.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for Clarifying

Can you find him a job too?

He clearly doesnt have enough to do and he continues to try to win favor with outside entities working against us hoping to be working for them

Anonymous said...

The point is, what kind of "neighbor" does that???? Not one I'd like to live by.

Anonymous said...

Paul built his following on half truths and lies. Many who used to be on his side figured him out. He lied about individuals. He used half truths to convince people that whoever was in control was in the wrong. Many examples have been noted, but too many over the years to even remember. He has driven good people away from volunteering so they are not besieged by his attacks.

Anonymous said...

don't forget that he was kicked off every committee he was on (which was almost all of them) because he lied about giving Zona Rosa confidential information and working with those outside the lake. He violated the document he signed (and we all sign when we volunteer for a committee). He has worked hard to try to punish lake front homes including wanting easements on everyone's property. Talk about trespassing.

Anonymous said...

He sounds like Mike Moratz!

Anonymous said...

Not even a comparison. No matter if your opinions are the same as Mike's on issues, he has never come close to the kind of damaging behavior Paul Gross has done to people and our community. Stupid comment on a real problem.

Anonymous said...

The "document" he violated is a Code of Ethics that Gross actually put in place for every volunteer to sign. Another example of how rules don't apply to him. His violation of his own code of ethics is why he was kicked off all the committees. As if that doesn't speak volumes. And Donna Gross has the audacity to say that the only reason people don't like her and Paul is because they just happen to dissagree with the WLIC. gimme a break!!!! I'd say the dislike is completely brought on by their hateful actions.

Anonymous said...

Look at it like this, if Paul Gross' supporters are holding him up based on half truths and lies, the only way he's going to lose support is by people detailing specifics on the harm he is causing. Getting angry because people, who don’t live and breath this everyday, are asking questions doesn't serve any purpose except give more credence to Paul Gross.

Anonymous said...

If you need more, how about if you re-read these blogs, go to the WLIC office, ask around with community leaders.

Anonymous said...

https://www.courts.mo.gov/casenet/base/welcome.do --- The Missouri Court Case database
Under two names...Paul Gross and Ellwood Paul Gross....

Case #

The cases that we've had to initiate due to his smarmy actions or those he's initiated against the lake to retaliate. Quickly demonstrates the level of effort and money we all have to expend to deal with this person. Of course, this excludes those situations that created inconvenience, wasted time, etc. that didn't make to the court stage. Doesn't include our city court listings either. Seems like an awful lot for one household to me.

For newbies to the issue, I would hope logic would prevail. And, i would suggest his latest racial allegations are a good indication of how far this person will and has gone to waste our time.

Anonymous said...

Well said. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

6:02 pm says a lot, 5:47 pm are further empty words

Anonymous said...

5:47 you're missing the point. Not everyone is reading this blog. If a neighbor tells a neighbor that Paul Gross is out there defending Weatherby Lakers concerning the assessments, that is going to go further in Paul Gross's favor than simply calling Paul Gross an idiot and leaving it at that. Paul's Gross' self proclaim Robin Hood slant on things goes further than "Dear Weatherby Laker, you're an idiot for not knowing what's really going on ." Simple human nature.

Like it or not, gossip and half truths - which appear to be "for the people", go a lot further than the actual truth.

Wasn't Paul Gross arrested up at city hall a few years back and later exonerated with his legal bills paid by the city and/or WLIC? That's the chitchat. How much mileage do you think that gives him?

"Judge, If you need more, how about if you re-read these blogs, go to the WLIC office, ask around with community leaders."
In a courtroom I wouldn't want 5:47 defending me, I'd lose.

Anonymous said...

What happened to the improvement company insert that use to be part of the newsletter? That could give the state of things, get out to everyone and worded in such a way without making WLIC liable.

Anonymous said...

As far as I can tell its evenly split between supporters and detractors.

I decided to continue to support him and those who will protect the little guy from the evil WLIC except when it comes to developers than I stand with the big guys against the WLIC.

We will fight till the end and you will still have to pry that chainsaw from our cold,dead hands.

Sponsered by :Ed ,Edd , Eddy the Lawyers without Licenses League and Friends of Concerned Neighbors.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Ed, Edd & Eddy for again demonstrating how truly delusional you are.

Anonymous said...

To anon May 8 1:28: Don't get your point. You say that gossip and half truths go further than actual truth, and you wouldn't want someone defending you that relies on actual documentation? All the references to "going to the WLIC Office" is because it is there that you can examine actual documents - emails and letters from Paul Gross and Ed Kendrick that were sent to Zona Rosa trying to prevent us from collecting the amount owed from them. You may think in a court that gossip and half truths go further. I'll stick with the truth and the documentation to back it up.

Anonymous said...

No I am not delusional

Those of you who helped Eddy and Elmo instead of rejecting them are delusional

Anonymous said...

There were some fearful more likely delusional board members who went along with this also.

Of course thats why rational members want to do away with the gathering of proxys because sadly to many people who are too busy and unwilling to get the facts but give away votes to someone knocking on the door with half truths.

Thats how we got too many Elmos puppets on the board .

Those who do and say as there told from someone who wasnt even elected.

Kind of like what Rush Limbaugh is doing to the GOP

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike,
Where are you???
You have not posted for almost one week - are you all right??

Anonymous said...

We need someone to film Barry road and all the brown water being uncontrolled and sent into our lake.

Maybe we can get our Paparazzi to go out and document the damage being done to our lake amd stop working so hard at damaging our community

? said...

Has something happened to Mike?

Anonymous said...

We can only hope so...

Anonymous said...

A symptom that shows the real problem is between your ears.

You should be ashamed of yourself