Sunday, October 17, 2010

You Might Have Missed It

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
6 October

Continuing with Jerry's campaign for WL citizens to participate in City government, his You Have To Speak To Be Heard effort had another session Friday afternoon at City Hall.  Missed it?  It wasn't mentioned in his WLL column, it wasn't listed on the Calendar on the City web site.  Mary mentioned it in her "notes" on her email list, a minute proportion of the WL citizenry.  It was posted on the bulletin board at City Hall. So what did you miss?

Friday, October 15, 4:30 PM, 2011 Budget Work Shop 

You have to wonder.  Friday afternoon @ 4:30 kind of excludes working people.  If you want to get a good seat for the PH football game you have to get there early, I leave the house around 6...but then again I don't see Jerry or the aldermen there anyway.  So 4:30 might be convenient for Jerry and the Board, but for working stiffs and post school activities parents...well you get the idea.


Anonymous said...

I'll bet they were tipping a cool one while Bos Hog read them his numbers!

Anonymous said...