Friday, August 26, 2011


You may have received another email from A. Jennerich concerning the City is open again for yard waste from the storm.  Curiously, there has been no official communication from the City announcing the times and dates when the Yard will be available.  Even Ms Hoy, who usually keeps those on her email list informed, has not sent a zgram out to her followers.  Odd.  Nothing on the City website as of this morning.  This administration seems to believe that no communication is the best path to deal with the citizens (the recent fiasco regarding Allied Waste is a perfect example).

My advice if you need to know the status of the yard this weekend is to call Mayor Bos and/or Aldermen Hoy, DeJong, Finn, Folkedahl.  Don't pester the staff at City Hall, they have real work to do.  Your elected officials are standing by, waiting for your calls. 

Mayor Bos  741-0055

Eastside Aldermen 
Tanya Finn  816.587.9957
Dave Folkedahl  816.746.5511
 Westside Aldermen
Mary Hoy  816.584.1365
Vic DeJong  816.587.4865


Anonymous said...

It is because their computer system is not working.

Anonymous said...

We get the City of Weatherby Lake emails and WLIC emails. Whoever A. Jennerich is sending to must be the insider crowd because we're not getting it. If it weren't for you Mike, we would know nothing.

Anonymous said...

I suppose their phones aren't working either? A simple call to their web master could get a post on the city site. Call it indifference or stupidity or both.

Anonymous said...

I do not know about most of you but we were without power for 14 hours the day of the storm. So I really do not think the city had any opportunity to inform people about the city lot being open for storm debris. By the time A. Jennerich's message came out the lot was near closing because of the enormity of the debris and storm damage.

We found out about the city lot being open because we drove there and saw it was open. I think most people did the same thing. The city does not own an email distribution list...individuals can do whatever they want to generate these lists and do so mostly by being a member of any or all of the WL clubs. The city cannot legally "own" or "use" those lists without permission from each and every home owner.

The WLIC has a list that was given freely by the home owners that "want to know" about events and issues the WLIC have to relate to everyone. They are a private entity. They are not required to share that list with anyone and, in fact, they do not. If the city had a list of emails of residents here, that list would become "public property" and therefore it would need to be accessible by anyone who asked for it, including but not limited to advertisers, businesses, insurance companies, individuals who just want the list, scammers, etc. Therefore, the city has weighed this tremendous downside with the potential upside and decided that most residents would not want their email addresses to be accessed by just anyone.

Mike knows all of this but continues to fail to explain because it is more fun to let you believe the city does not wish to communicate. This way you can demonize them...a lot more fun, right???

Remember that posting on the city web site is not of much help in a situation where most do not have power, internet service or phone service. In the future do yourself a favor and go check to see what is open and what is not. This will save you the headache and problems you apparently had. In other words, take responsibility for yourselves and stop complaining!!!

Anonymous said...

My cell worked just fine during the outage and I believe most cell phones these days have Internet access, so 435 I'm not buying. But let's accept all the excuses you make for the city. What about good old hand made signs at the entrances? Cheap, effective, and lets people know what is going on. Fishing club does it, Park Board does it, WLIC does it. Too simple.

Jackdaw Observer said...

2:35 you don’t make any sense.

Absolutely on target 7:09

When has it ever been announced or made an option where the city lot is open to storm debris? There are people who have been here for over twenty-five years and didn’t know it was an option – other than for the designated ANNOUNCED city-wide clean up.
So if they didn’t know it was an option, how in the world would they know to drive up and check? We were on our way to the grocery store and drove by the city lot. It was a total revelation to us. Obviously, you are one of the insiders in the know.

We personally witness trucks dumping on the lot who were not from Weatherby Lake. There was no monitoring by the City of Weatherby Lake. Word got around. We feel for our elderly neighbor who paid to have it taken away. If we had known about the city lot in time, we could have easily hauled it for him. There were guys making a monetary killing around the lake hauling away tree limbs, driving a few blocks and then dumping in the city lot.

You email list scenario especially is wacky. The city certainly does have an email distribution. Otherwise how in the h**l are we getting notices directly from the city about various city meetings, maniple court dates, etc. . . . WLIC has Robo-Call. God knows if you don’t answer your phone, they will call over and over and over and over again until their message gets through. Regardless, who is asking the city or WLIC to share? A notice directly from them isn’t against the law.

The issue is communication, communication, communication.

If you're going to use the power outage as some exuse, do you get the fact that when power was on SATURDAY AFTERNOON and the CITY LOT WAS OPEN, people could have been notified? Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning, there was plenty of room at the city lot. Do you know many people found out through Mike’s blog? Do you know people found out through Mike’s blog about this past weekend – city lot was open to storm debris? None, repeat none, of this information came from the city in any way, shape or form. It was not on the city website.

We think people do have something to complain about.

Anonymous said...

Entrance signs? Those are low priority for the city. With the new entrances they are going away. I doubt they want to risk demonstrating that they are a significant source of communication for the city.

Anonymous said...

"The city does not own an email distribution list...individuals can do whatever they want to generate these lists and do so mostly by being a member of any or all of the WL clubs. The city cannot legally "own" or "use" those lists without permission from each and every home owner"

Thats a good "excuse" for continuing to leave the community in the "dark"

We can always "find out" what to do at the ice cream social