Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Tempest

Survive Sunday's blast? We barely made it home last Sunday (literally seconds) before the wind, rain(1+inch), and hail hit the lake. We fared well with just small branches to pick up, others not so much...the sounds of chain saws and chippers still echoing across the lake last evening. We got our power back about 9PM...losing power is kind of a reality check isn't it?

The sewage spill was attributed to an aging line laid on top of rock which caused the line to bend...and with the restoration of power, the surge of poo in the line caused the line to break. A late night of repairs followed, just one of those things.

Tonight the Judge swings into action in City Court, should be interesting?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The "surge in poo" was a double surge this week

The purposeful creation of a debt limit crisis by the Teabag morons was a crock of poo

What we need is a ceiling on the BS coming out of these morons who shot us in the foot