Friday, October 21, 2011

Balanced City Budget

Last Tuesday the Mayor and BOA had a "budget workshop".  Well, at least they were scheduled to have one, I had a conflict and could not attend.  Did you go?  Of course not.  I can predict the outcome though, having mystical powers and wisdom beyond my years...not (I mean the powers and wisdom thing).  My prediction though is absolute be it for one small fact.  State law requires a balanced budget, so shazam, we do.  Funny, a candidate in recent years boasted about balancing the budget...with a straight face no less.  For the uneducated in the room it was a meaningful fact, to others, not so much.

The revenue and expenses for the City are very straightforward albeit a bit worrisome.  We live on a narrow margin provided by property taxes and franchise taxes for the most part.  I imagine there will be more discussion at the next BOA and Water hearing in November.  Important stuff.

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Anonymous said...

I have to admit I don't pay much attention to budgets, but I need to start. We dump lots of money into schools, fire, ambulance, city and more, are we getting our money's worth? Do we hold all the boards and elected officials accountable. I am ashamed to say, not so much.

Anonymous said...

I voted for Bos because of his financial background. We see the sign fund dwindling with nothing (no sign) to show for it. The bond levy "can't be explained". Does anyone feel concerned about how the finances of our lake are being handled? Is it a simple matter of handling or spending other people’s money when it’s not your own?