Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A Serious Mistake

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
October 4

"Last year we made a serious mistake"  Mayor Jerry Bos

Using the imperial "we" Jerry fessed up to what had been documented here more than a few times, the Mayor and BOA failed to pass along rate increases levied by KCMO for water and sewer.  Actually it's worse than Jerry described, they have opted to stand firm on water despite two years of increases.  Oh, well.  A hearing that  was scheduled October 27th won't happen because the required 30 day posting didn't get done, so the BOA rescheduled the hearing for November 14th, 6PM at City Hall.  Should be a short meeting.  Take your last bill, multiply by 20% and you can set your household budget, the only thing that needs to be set is the effective date.

Vic attended a Midwest Association Program on Water recently, where some of the participants bemoaned the fact they failed to pass along water increases and were now in financial trouble.  During the Financial report Jerry alluded to the weakened condition of Water and Sewer, although it is difficult to tell exactly because they do not pass out copies of the financials to the public attending the BOA (that would be all six of us).      

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